i think that i like Jentzen...

967 12 6

Hii writer here thank u all for 1k reads!! i cant believe it so fast already!

now lets get back to the story

Davs pov

piper:are u ready for the challenge?

dav:yes i am i got,my pillow,blanket, my charger and my phone

piper:kk i got all my stuff too wait dav are u sure that u got everything?..

dav:yes ofco- oh oops i forgot the squad pjs(me be like)

piper:k lets go now

dav:piper i need to say somthing i had it on my mind all day...

piper:okay what did u want to say?

dav:i think that i like jentzen...

piper:i know

Dav:wait what!?

piper:the whole squad know minus jentzen 

dav:oh okay then lets go

Hunter:are u guys ready?


Hunter:okay lets go

*u and piper get in the jeep*

*u put ur airpods in and listen to all for us by zendaya and Labrinth*

30 minutes later

Hunter:Davina piper we are here

davina:uhm hunter

hunter:yes davina?

Dav:piper is asleep

hunter:okay can u pick her up then i will get all her and your stuff out of the car


*u pick up piper and put her on a little couch*

15 minutes later

*jentzen and Lev arrived*


lev:hey wheres piper?

dav:sleeping on the little couch 

lev:okay thx

dav:hey jentzen how are u?

jentzen:good u?

dav:kinda tired

3 minutes later

*Emily and Elliana arrive*

dav:hey girls


elli:hi ann

piper:hey everyone lets begin the challenge but first time to make the duos:)

dav:wait what!

Em:why duos?

Elli:yeah why?

piper:youll  see

*hunter began filming*

piper:Shalloom guys and welcome back to a new video today we are doing a 24 in a gymnastics gym challenge! and i also want to introduce u to my sister Davina-Ann!

*lets just skip to the night*

the duos are:lev and piper emily and elliana and last but not least jentzen and davina ofc

Piper:okay the next challenge that we are going to do is:make a fort with ur partner to sleep in tonight

*hunter prised emilys and ellianas as the best one

hunter:okay everyone time to go to sleep goodnight

everyone:goodn ight

*hunter turned the light off*

jentzen:gn dav

dav:gn jentz

*u lay ur back against jentzens back and go to sleep*

that was all for this chapter i hope that u all have a great day/night/evening

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now