Sleepover part 2

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still davs pov

after Pipes introduced all her friends i went upstairs with piper and she brought me to my room it was very pretty

your bedroom

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after that piper left you to unpack all your things

                            1 hour later

i am finally done!* you say to yourself*

imma go downstairs 

but when you try to open the door all the  girls come storming in your room

you:uhm hello girls

Emily:hii so do you want to have a sleepover with us!?

You:sure why not in whose room are we doing it

Emily:we thought the living room bc there is enough space for all of us


Emily:hey Davina can i ask you a question

You:yeah sure go ahead

Emily:okay whats your age?

You:im 15 

Emily:okay so editor will bring the girls and i home and we get back here at 10 p.m.

You:yeah so that piper and i have enough time to get the things ready and its only 5 p.m. rn

Emily:okay well see you soon bye

*the rest of the girls say bye too and go home*

piper:hey uhm Dav


piper:are you going to tell them why you havent been here for a few years

You:no when the time is right i will tell them 

piper:okay just making sure i will be downstairs 


Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now