head-cannons/more imagines

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hi some random stuff

walks in the woods together and look at random birds.

on the days you couldn't come over Camilo would beg pepa and Félix or Abuela or let you come over for dinner. 

when you cant come over he will either 1 eat all of dinner shapshifted as you or 2 eat very VERY fast and then try to see you afterwards. he just wants to live with you. 

if he misses you and haven't seen you in a few days when you come over he will hug you as soon as you walk in and just stand there. lightly swaying side to side. 

I imagine he can shape-shift his room as well so when ever you come over he makes sure its very comfy and a little romantic.

he likes to do your hair. 

he likes to have you do a full face of makeup on him (makes him feel pretty) and he will always wear it to dinner. abuela doesn't like it at all. ((he does it to make her mad sometimes)). but his parents dont care and sometimes pepa asks you to do her makeup. 

you take so many polaroids of him and you hang them all over your room. his fav polaroid is right next to his bed on a night stand and its a selfie of you together. 

he would wright sweet goofy little notes to you and stick them on you as swiftly as he can.

I head-cannon him as probably genderfluid and Abuela doesn't jam with that (until the end of the movie and stuff were she learns to expect all of her lgbtq+ grandbabys) but when hes feeling more fem and cant really express it because Abuela is around you help by having a fashion show at your house and dress her up in everything you own that feminine and fun.

Sometimes when he gets stressed by not knowing who he is because he shape shifts into so many people you sit down and quietly tell him exactly who he is to everyone in his family. And to you. And to random pets and by listening and hearing that he has so many connections that are only him help calm him down. And the sound of your voice :)

He often try's to cheat at monopoly.

when your super into something he loves to hear you ramble on and on about it so he will purposely ask about them same thing only a day or two later to hear you talk about it all over again.

once he was leaning in for a kiss and somethings scared him and he shape-shifted into one of the people from town and so you ended up kissing some guy named like john or something and now he hates that guy with all his might and is mean to him for like no reason. but its funny so you don't really care.


Camilo oneshots x reader (fem/more gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now