A fight

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so @snipercos asked for me to do this one. also sorry ive been a little dead ive been busy. and this one is a fight between Camilo and y/n.. enjoy

 (I just but dry shampoo into my hair and I think im gonna throw up it smells like burning bleach and trash)

so the last few days you and Camilo have had short little bursts of augments but nothing crazy. the family was a little tense because most the time you guys never fight. 

today was gonna be a little different. 

you went over to there house as you do almost everyday. and you and Camilo really didn't even say hi.during lunch things got worse. after lunch you both had to go the garden for some work. 

'' why are you following me? god you've been really clingy." he says giving you a nasty look.

'' says you! you practically beg me to come over evey day.'' you say back. 

''mm I sure dont remember ''begging'' for you to come and bother me today''he says getting close to your face. 

'' ha! ok ill leave. god why are you doing this.'' you say getting angry 

''maybe you should! maybe we should take a break because I cant really stand you!'' he said furrowing his brows. 

this took you by surprise. your shoulders relaxed. and looked down.

this hurt. 

'' well.. maybe we should..if you feel like that'' you say your voice starting to quiver. 

''yeah.. maybe we should.'' he says still angry but relaxed more. 

''ill tell abuela I wont be around for a while to help. im sure everyone else will get the idea.'' you say.

this was starting to hurt Camilo. he didn't want this. he was just stressed. all of you were. he was no longer angry. but maybe a break was needed.   

you left.

he should have just asked for some time alone. not a relationship break. what if you left him. 

you went home with tears in your eyes. no use crying over a boy. you calmed yourself down. maybe this will be helpful..but you miss him so much already...

im not so sure how to make a fight but I hope this is ok. it feels rushed like there wasn't much build up to the conflict. but its super late and I feel bad about not posting so this will have to do. I will try and remake/redo this when I have more time. promise 

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