Dolores confesses for you

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this is just a little thing. I thinks its ok :) its also my birthdayyy yay! 

Camilo normally wasn't interested in many girls. A few, yes but nothing crazy.

until you. You came to celebrate the new gift and when he saw you he was head over heels. You were nice ,beautiful ,funny and dear god he just loved everything about you.

He had tired to get your attention and you two hung out lots but he never was able to get you to notice how he felt. He tried flowers, stargazing, down right clear flirting. yet you didn't quite get it it.

But thing is you liked him too. Only reason you didn't "get it'' was because you thought he was pulling your leg or was just a really nice lovey friend.

So because of this miss hap you both went to Dolores. " Dolores?" Camilo Called as he knocked on her door. ''Camilo? Yes" she squeaked from a desk in her room.

'' Hey ya so I need your help..lets say theres a ... girl.(sorry if u a boy).. that I really like.. but she isn't picking up on my hints..'' He said squinting his eyes a little to see how she would react. She didn't. ''So you need my help to tell y/n you like her''. ''Yes.'' ''Alright then..maybe you should just go up and tell her straight up you like her..'' She says. ''Mm yeah ill make It big and over the top.thanks!!'' He says rushing out her room. Maybe 20 min later though you find Dolores and ask her for her help. ''Hey I was wondering how to tell if a guy you like ..likes you back..'' You say to her. Now she's nervous. ''W-who is it..?'' She asks. ''Well..promise you wont tell....ok well .. Camilo its Camilo I like really like him but I cant tell if hes pulling my leg or is just nice...''. Now she's super nervous! She cant keep both of these secrets to herself. ''Oh well idk!'' plus a squeak and runs away. She's gonna tell everyone.

That night you stayed for dinner and didn't really expect a thing. Little did you know.

You sat next to Camilo on the end then with Dolores on the other side of him. He was keeping an eye on her but because he needed her support on when he was going to confess. Dolores however was about to burst with Info and could not hold it in any longer.

'AAH OK CAMILO LIKES Y/N AND Y/N LIKES CAMILO BUT THEY DONT KNOW IT!'' She yelled to the whole table. Everyone looked.

Camilo shape-shifted maybe 30 times and you wanted to just die right then and there.

You both looked at each other. Then at Dolores. Then stood up and ran in different directions. Not a word.

Soon Dolores went and found Camilo in his room. He was a smiling mess but angry at her. ''camilo..?'' She said slowly.

''DoES sHE RealLLY LIke mE?'' he said with the biggest smile.

'' Well yes but I thought you would be angry.''

'' I am but im also happy. She might be angry though.'' He said sitting up.

'' Well go talk to her.. she out side in the garden.'' She said listening for you. Camilo didn't say a word and ran.

Y/nnn.. y/nnn he called until he saw you. you were both really nervous. ''Hello. I wanted to tell you I do like you.'' You say.

'' Well I really like you too. I mean I thought you would have picked up on it. I mean ive tried everything other than saying it straight up.'' He said laughing a little.

'' Wait what. I thought you were just really nice. Or pulling my leg..'' You said walking to him.

'' What no'' he said. ''Well ok..then..'' you say. You quickly peck his cheek and run..''well-i ok see you tomorrow..''

He was smiling and blushing so hard.

When he got back to the house Dolores was outside '' I heard.. so are you no longer mad.'' She said.

'' No.. im crazy angry at you.. but thanks..'' He said laughing at his sister.

You went home happy as ever. Best day ever. 

700words pff idk whats going on but yayyy fluff. if any of y'all want request something I will probably do it. 

Camilo oneshots x reader (fem/more gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now