Blame Game

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        "Thank you so much, Baby," I smile as I hear the confirmation over the phone. "I'm am glad."

        Baby hangs up the phone and I walk back into the hospital room. BamBam fell for it, he thinks Jackson is dead. Mark smiles at this and holds Jackson's hand. Jackson was also smiling as a tear fell down his face. Mark wipes the tear off his face and kisses his forehead.

        "How about we leave you two alone for a while," I suggest.

        "Sure," Mark says as a tear rolls down his face. "Thank you guys so much."

        The guys and I leave the two for some private time together. Jackson had woken up about an hour ago. He still can't talk or recognize where he was. But he did recognize us, especially Mark. It wasn't a dry eye in the room when he started freaking out, especially when we realized that the only reason he calmed down was that Mark was there. I feel so guilty not being able to protect them.

        "I should've known that BamBam was able to do something like this," I sigh sitting in the car that we walked to.

        "You shouldn't blame yourself," Yugyeom tells me. "If anything, I am to be blamed because he was my best friend."

        "Him being your best friend doesn't make you at fault. If anything, you should feel betrayed the most," Youngjae explains getting angry. "Second to Jackson and Mark of course."

        "I feel like none of you should take the blame," A voice yells from behind us. We all jump up startled and turn around. There in front of us, JYP was standing. We took a look at each other before looking back at him. He smiles at us to reassure us, but it just looks creepy. But of course, we are too shocked to tell him that.

        "Sir?" We all look at him.

        "They let me out for not having enough evidence." He answers us.

        We take a double-take before getting back in the car. We had enough surprises for one night. JYP gets in the driver's seat and relaxes. He looks at each of us and sighs.

        "What did you guys do?" He asked us.

        "We may have told BamBam that Jackson was dead," Jinyoung answers.

        "Why would you guys do that?"

        "If he never takes responsibility for what he could have done, then he will never learn," I answer him confidently. "When he comes back to Korea, we will let him know the truth. His family is already in on it anyway.

        "Ok," He nods. "I am in, on one condition."

        "What is it," We ask simultaneously. 

       "I don't want to hear anyone else blame themselves for BamBam's actions," He states. "Understood?"

        We all nod our heads and look up at the hospital. We take our first nap in a month, laying down in the car. We couldn't sleep knowing that anything could happen at any time. The thought doesn't exactly give sweet dreams. We were relieved when Jackson woke up but like I said, anything could happen. 

Mark's POV

        Jackson was awake and my lungs are destroyed. But that doesn't matter, because Jackson was awake. I couldn't keep my hand out of his, or my lips off of his. I couldn't contain my happiness to know that he was alive. Especially because it didn't look like he was going to be OK. 

        If I am being completely honest, the whole plan was my idea. The plan was to tell BamBam that Jackson was dead. I hate the fact that he feels nothing over what he's done. He is probably trying to find every excuse in the book right now. But I have faith that his family will straighten him out, and my plan will just be the foundation for that. Besides, I want to have my laugh when he sees that he was not successful in breaking us apart.

        I feel Jackson squeeze my hand and I look down at him. He tapped his stomach and I get the idea. I press the nurse button and a nurse runs in immediately.

        "What can I help you with sir?"

        "I think he is hungry," I respond. "Is there anything we can give him?"

        "I will see what the doctor says," The nurse answers as she bows and leaves.

        "Don't worry Jackson, we will get you something to eat," I reassure him. "How are you feeling though?"

        He puts a thumb up and I smile. I am sure he will make a full recovery, I am hoping I will make one too. I want to be on the stage with him again. My first and only love, Jackson Wang.

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