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(Bam Bam's POV)

        When we got too practice, I noticed Jackson-hyung was still sitting uncomfortably. I started getting suspicious that Mark-hyung was doing this to him. I mean think about it, he is always around Mark-hyung. Plus, when he was sitting down, he kept looking at Mark-hyung. And, when he came downstairs to leave, he was with Mark-hyung. I decided to ask the others what they thought.

        "Hey guys. Don't you think there is something going on between Jackson-hyung and Mark-hyung?" I asked them. Jackson-hyung and Mark-hyung were in another room.

        "No. I haven't noticed anything. They just seem like the same way they were 6 months ago." Yugyeom answers.

        "Ok. But even 6 months ago, weren't they acting weird?" I asked them.

        "No. I think we were being ourselves." Jackson-hyung says as he walks in with Mark-hyung.

        "Hyung, can I talk to you? Alone?" I ask him curiously.

        "Fine, if that will stop the questioning." He agrees.

        I take his hand a literally drag him out the room. I see Mark-hyung glare at me and I immediately get suspicious. I also noticed that Jackson-hyung looked over at Mark-hyung for approval. I really do believe that Mark is abusing Jackson. (I really hate writing "hyung" so I will stop now. XD) We walked to a different part of the building at sat on the stairs.

        "Jackson? You know you can tell me anything if something is wrong right?"

        "Nothing is wrong! Nothing is wrong and nothing is going on between us! Why are you questioning us like he is hurting me?" He yells at me.

        "Because I'm not stupid enough to believe that he isn't!" I yell back. I see him flinch and immediately figure it out.

        "There is nothing going on." Jackson says more calmly.

        "If you're gonna lie, at least control your body language." I scold him.


        "No! Don't tell me anymore of that bullshit. Whatever is going on, I'm going to find out. nd trust me, you don't want to be near me when I do. This is your last chance to tell me what is going on." I warn him.

        "Nothing is going on. Don't go hunting for something that isn't there." Jackson sighs.

        "Fine, but you have been warned." I tell him. 

        We start walking back to the practice room. The entire time, Jackson was just looking down at his feet and going over the steps to the dance we are learning. I hope that he will come clean to me. What Jackson doesn't know is that I've had a crush on him before the JYP v YG battle. I don't want him to be hurt.

(Mark's POV)

        When Jackson and BamBam left the studio, I was bambarded with questions concerning Jackson. I just looked at everyone and nodded my head "yes" and "no" to their questions. Without Jackson here, I find no reason for the other members to hear my voice. I have nothing to say to them anyway.

        "Why do you only talk when Jackson is here?" Youngjae asks.

        "Because I have nothing to say when he isn't here." I answer in English. I see him give me a confused face and mentally laugh my ass off.

        "Can you translate that?" Yugyeom asks.


        "What is your problem?" JB asks.

        "Oh nothing, leader. You see, I have no issue what so ever about 5 people questioning my life and the people I hang around that. I don't have any problem with that at all. It is also totally ok for you to assume I have an issue just because I like to use my mother tongue instead of Korean when I'm struggling in a different country. I also find no reason to think that all of you are stupid for thinking that I would ever hurt my band mates on purpose. Also, there is no problem in you guys asking me a million questions about Jackson or why I am "abusing" him. There is nothing for me to be mad about at all." I ranted.

        "Well, our bad if it seems like every time he gets hurt, he is around you." Junior says.

        "I am not and I repeat, I am NOT hurting Jackson in anyway. We are band mates and roommates. He is also my friend of 3 years. I would never hurt him."

        "We are watching you Mark. It's always the quiet ones that hurt people the most." Yugyeom says.

        "Fine." I give in.

        I see Jackson and BamBam walk in out the corner of my eye. I run over, grab his hand, and run out the door. We have to talk. 

(Junior's POV)

        I don't think Mark is abusing Jackson but I had to blend in with the members and be concerned for him because he isn't really one to hurt himself.  Anyway, I can see that this conflict is going to drive us apart for a little bit so I just have to be the middle man between the 2 sides. Hopefully, this conflict resolves itself.

(Jackson's POV)

        Why does everyone keep dragging me out of doors? First BamBam and now Mark. (Auto correct keeps changing BamBam to Bambi XD ) 

        "Jackson, we need to talk." Mark says.

        "About what?" I ask.

        "From now on, we have to be more careful with you and the way we interact. We also can't be to clingy with each other. Do you understand?"

        I nod my head in response but Mark wasn't satisfied. Then I remember one of the rules.

        "Verbal answer, baby."


        "Yes what?" Mark warns as he grabs my ass causing me to yelp a little bit.

        "Yes, Daddy." I whisper.

        "Say it louder for the people in the back."

        "What people in the back? Are there people looking at us?" I ask getting worried.

        Mark just starts laughing hysterically. Meanwhile, I'm over here think there are people actually watching us.

        "I can never get over how naive you are." Mark laughes. Part of me wants to hit him but we all know how that will end.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I didn't realize how many people actually like this story. Plus, school is a bitch and engineering is a bitch. Finals are coming up so wish my moody ass good luck. Have a nice day. XD

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