Guilty As Charged

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    Previously on Secret Relationship- Markson Story: We look at each other before we both black out. I can faintly hear footsteps.




    Of all of the things we could've happened, this has got to be the most stupid of them all. BamBam just informed us that he accidently locked Mark and Jackson in a closet. He can't get them out and he said something about them not being able to breathe. Along with JYP, the rest of the members and I are literally booking it for the closet he said they were in. 

     "BamBam, I really don't wanna ask but how the fuck did you accidently lock them in a closet?"

     "I don't know man can we please not do this right now?" He asks yelling.

     We finally make it to the closet and we start banging on the door. We kept begging them to say something to us but neither of them were responding. We found that odd because they should still be able to breathe. Then we heard it.

    "What's that sound?" Youngjae asks. We all stood and listened.

    "Shit! Call 119!" JYP orders.

    "What is going on?" Yugyeom asks frustrated. Jinyoung calls 119.

    "The air is getting sucked out of the closet. It was a way get air-conditioning if the ACs stopped working. I've only used it once." JYP explains before he runs off somewhere. Jinyoung informs us that the police, fire department, and 2 ambulances were on their way. 

    JYP comes back with a set of keys. He told us that somebody in security accidently pressed the button to turn it on without knowing it. After 16 keys, he got the door open. The police and fire department magically got there at the same time.

    We all ran into the closet and seen Jackson and Mark holding each other. But they were unresponsive. The fire department determined that they ran out of air a long time ago and where trying to get as much as they could from underneath the door. The paramedics were able to get Mark to start breathing but they couldn't get Jackson to start breathing. Out of the corner of my eye I could see BamBam crying while backing away from the scene.

   "We got to take them both now!" A medic yells as they are hoisted onto gurneys and taken away. We all got into a van and followed behind them. 

   "BamBam look what you did! Because of you and your selfish behavior Mark and Jackson almost died, if Jackson didn't die already!!!" Yugyeom yells, fed up with his best friend.

   "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for them to get hurt!" BamBam cries.

   "You better pray that Jackson started breathing or I will personally kick your ass back to Thailand." I warn him. BamBam just cries with his head down in shame.

   When we reach the hospital, we run through the back not to get seen. Mark woke up in the ambulance and Jackson started breathing again. Jackson hasn't woken up yet and it is terrifying Mark. Mark keeps asking about Jackson and his whereabouts.

   "Where's Jackson? Where is he?" He asks. "Has he woken up yet? Is he ok?"

   "Hyung, you need to calm down before you pass out." Yugyeom says worriedly.

   A doctor came in and gave Mark a sedative because his heart rate was too high and he was hyperventilating. The doctor told us not to freak him out anymore. He also told us that Jackson most likely stopped breathing first and he lost a lot of oxygen to his brain. If looks could kill, BamBam would be long dead. The doctor left out the room after feeling the tenseness of the room. 

   "BamBam, you are going back to Thailand for the next few weeks until we can figure out what your future is with this group. Do you understand the fact that you could have killed them both?!!!" JYP yells.

   BamBam was shocked and visibly scared. He quite literally dropped to his knees and begged him not to send him back to Thailand. We all stared at him for a second before looking away. This is probably another way of BamBam trying to get out of a punishment.

   We ignored him until Jinyoung had enough and quite frankly dragged his ass out the door. We could here Jinyoung in the hallway yelling and screaming at BamBam. He was telling BamBam off saying how he was selfish, jealous, angry, violent, harmful, annoying, ignorant, and overall a big asshole. We never heard BamBam say anything to Jinyoung. I guess he is smart enough to not to say anything when Jinyoung is mad. I dare not to do so myself. 

   "I think it is for the best if he goes back to Thailand. Maybe his parents can help change his behavior. If not, I am going to have to pull him from the group." JYP tells us.

   I honestly think that whatever BamBam is scared of back in Thailand will help him. His jealousy really got the best of him and I don't know if we can forgive him this time. The doctor came back in along with 2 police officers. 

   "Jackson Wang has woken up. He is fine and he just needs a lot of rest. No work for him and no exertion on his brain." She tells us. We all nod but we were confused for why the police were there.

   "Park Jinyoung," The officer starts. Both JYP and Jinyoung look at him. "You are under arrest for the abuse and violation of your artists, with a secondary charge of endangerment."

   "WHAT?!!!" We were all surprised.

   "How? He didn't do anything!" Youngjae asks.

   "How did the air get sucked out of the closet? How did Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang get locked in the closet in the first place?" One of the officers ask.

   We were about to object but JYP told us not to. He said that he would figure this out and it would work out. He told us to send BamBam to Thailand and to take care of each other until he gets things figured out. We all sigh as he was put in handcuffs and taken away.

   Jinyoung was fuming!!!!! I could tell he was really about to kick BamBam's ass back to Thailand. Long story short, BamBam was on his way back to Thailand, JYP has been arrested, Mark is sedated, Jackson probably has brain damage. Jackson was rolled in about 15 minutes after JYP was arrested. He was asleep again.

   "What has just happened to us?" Yugyeom asks upset with tears streaming out of his eyes. This is the first time I've seen him cry this hard. 

   "I don't know Yuggy but it will be ok." I console him as we all huddle up together to watch Mark and Jackson.

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