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"Hi baby, it's almost been a month since my last letter. I've been busy as it is with work taking off and having to write updates on my little patients. I haven't found a good time to write.

You are complaining an awful lot lately, that's a little discouraging so maybe I subconsciously didn't find a good reason to express anything. I know I haven't been eating much but don't think I am not trying so please stop commenting on how skinny and weak I look.

I haven't told you but I'm finally getting a doctor's appointment today! The xanax didn't seem to be working so it's best for me to put my worries at ease by seeing a different professional just to be sure it's just stress related.

One thing I noticed is that you came home not wearing your ring but I'm too scared to ask you about it haha I'm sure you've got it in your pocket somewhere, please put it on, it keeps my heart sane.

Your boney gf, Lily :)."

Yours Forever, Lily.Where stories live. Discover now