Chapter 1: The Storm

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It wasn't common to get snow storms during the month of August but when it happened my family was always prepared. After all we lived in Mead, Washington where snow was no stranger. My family's store was practically in the center of the town, most nights my brother Chris closed up but it was my lucky night because he got a cold.

As I leaned on the counter I glanced at the clock, showing 8 o'clock. Meaning only one more hour left. As I pushed my face into my hands out of pure exhaustion my mom called from the back.

"Jamieee!", my mom yelled out.

"Yes?!?" still having my face pressed upon my palms.

"I'm heading out, I have to stop to get soup for you brother before the storm gets worse. Make sure you lock the door properly" she said while trying to get her coat on.

Taking my head out from my palms I reached for my mom, "No. Wait. What will I ever do without you by my side." I said sarcastically.

My mom wasn't having it, "Yeah yeah, wipe down that counter your elbow marks are all over it." Before my mom closed the door behind her I yelled "This counter is lucky to have even something so little of me!"

The door shut and I was alone. Only the manikins keeping me company. Which was the case for most nights. I grabbed my laptop looking out the window seeing the storm grow. I wasn't worried though, I've walked through many storms so this wouldn't be my first. I continued the newspaper I've yet to finish, until the wi-fi crashed. "Damn it". I shouldn't of been surprised the service usually went down anytime the snow fell heavy. I closed my laptop when a sudden light shined through the windows. I couldn't make it out at first, "A car light?" who is crazy enough to drive out in the storm right now?

A tall figure came to the door in thick snow gear. I couldn't make out who it was through all the snow they had on their face. I knew everyone in town but this figure I did not recognize. "Um we're about to close in a few minutes." Worried my voice wasn't loud enough I called out again "Hey, the store is closing soon. Is there something you need?"

A woman pulled down her hood shaking off all the snow that had fallen on her head. Patting away the snow from her pants, "I'm so sorry but it was getting hard to see out there and I saw the lights in the store so I thought the best thing to do was come in."

"You're not from around here are you?" I said.

"What makes you say that?" the girl said with a questionable look.

"Well most people from around here don't drive a Mercedes, and they definitely know not to drive through the storm" I said with a small laugh.

"Point proven" she said with a smirk. "I guess now would be the time I introduce myself. I'm Hailee, Hailee Steinfeld".

I recognize the name but can't tell exactly as to where I know her from. I went around the counter putting my hand out "I'm Jamie, Jamie Carter". Her hands were cold, yet soft. I smiled looking into her eyes, a soft chestnut brown color. After realizing I was holding her hand far longer than I needed to, I pulled back.

"So Hailee, how can I help?"

She started tapping at her phone and soon began walking around the store, "Well a little service would help" she said in a playful tone.

"Yeah that'd be nice for me too but the service is down. I was writing the local newspaper before it went down, and then you arrived."

Tapping the counter as she continued to hold her phone high and walk around I asked, "Is there some where you have to be?"

"Umm I'm trying to get back to California, I was driving back from Canada. I recently just came from a girls trip but work called me in and I had to drive since there were no flights because of the storm" she said while still trying to get signal.

I don't know if it was her having bright red cheeks because of the cold that made her cute or the tiptoe walking she did trying to get signal to her phone, whichever it was made me get lost in sight. Hailee began walking up to me, taking her jacket off revealing a tight fitted long sleeve. "I don't think I'll be leaving here anytime soon" she said with a small pout.

Snapping my self out of it, "Sadly not. Especially not driving, I don't live too far from here and it's about time to close the store. I don't reckon you have a place to stay for the night so you're welcome to come stay at my house". Realizing I just offered a stranger a place for the night I quickly rethink my offer. Before I could say any more Hailee jumped to my offer. "Really? That's so nice of you. I would love to if that's okay with you". Of course having already offered there's no way I can back out now. "Yeah it's no problem. Uh let me just grab my coat". As I walked to the back office I slapped my hand to my forehead, "Shit, what is mom going to say".

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