Chapter 9: You're Just Scared

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~2 weeks later~

It was hard. Trying to not think about Hailee. I figured after I left abruptly I should give her space. After all, I'm the one who kissed her... yet still walked out. I just don't want to ruin things.

I didn't have time to think about it at this point. Upon writing an article about Hailee I was told to cover this years Oscar's. Which I'm stoked about, but I know Hailee will be there.

"Jamie," the dresser LA Times appointed to me called out my name.
"Sorry, yes?"
"We have your outfit ready, after that the driver will take you to the event."
"Perfect, I'll be there in a minute."

Here goes nothing.


As I arrive I'm greeted by a mob of photographers. After they realize I'm pretty much a no one they head back to their placings.

Christina. My coworker, walked with me through the main entrance.
"This is a fever dream," she says.
"Tell me about it. I was in a small town in Washington not too long ago."
"Well, get used to it. Soon they'll know you for your writing" she says smiling giving me a nudge.
I smile back, "Let's find our seats."

We sat down, in the middle row. Emma Stone, Joaquin Phoenix, and Mandy Moore were literally in my hands reach. Everyone talked to one another, catching up and introducing themselves in gracious ways. Just two minutes before start, the side doors opened. I looked to the direction but from where I sat, I could only see two shadows.

Once they moved in closer I was able to see who it was. Hailee... and Cameron hand in hand. I guess they found their way back to each other. My heart sunk, seeing her beautiful smile and eyes gaze across the room. Attention was turned to Hailee, everyone noticing her every movement.

She wore a long black dress, that complimented her body very well. Her hair was in loose curls, only to have light makeup done. Though she didn't need any.

To make matters more gut wrenching, she sat directly two rows in front of us.

"Wow, look at Hailee. Doesn't she look beautiful" Christina says.
"Yes, she does" I say in desperation.
"Hey didn't you interview her, how'd that go?"
I look towards Hailee, viewing her perfect side profile.
"It was great, I was able to learn a lot about her."
"She seems exciting, whoever she's with is lucky to be by her side tonight. Everyone practically drooled as she walked in."
I force a slight smile to my face, as I still look to Hailee, "Yeah... he's more than lucky." I say lightly.
"What's that?"
"Nothing, he is lucky" I say.

The lights begin to dim and Jimmy Fallon walks out with Jimmy Kimmel.
A cue to the show beginning.


Throughout the awards I couldn't take my eyes off of Hailee. Names and speeches were being spoken many times but I never once focused to that.

It hurt seeing every time she laughed, she looked towards him. And it was him that was able to grab her attention.

It wasn't til Suriel Hess came to stage to sing his song, Still Something

It's not love but
It's still something
It's enough to keep

Me from running
It's four in the morning
I'm wondering if I can choose

To hold onto something
Or let go when my heart tells me to

Maybe we know how it's all gonna end
Baby we crash and we burn

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