Chapter 3: Goodbye for Now

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Third Person:

Hailee woke up, in realization that she wasn't in her own bed. Reaching for her phone on the night stand she saw it was two till 5:30. "I have to get going". Grabbing her jacket and shoes she started gathering her belongings. Looking to the bed she saw Jamie, peacefully sleeping. Although she just met her for Hailee felt a connection to her. She wanted to know more. But right now she knew she didn't have time to make friends.

Hailee grabbed a post it from the desk and began to write...

Thank you for everything, I couldn't have gone through the night without you. Thank your mother for me too, she was too kind. Thank you for the poem too, it'll stay close with me.

Til we meet again... Hailee <3

Just like that Hailee walked out of Jamie's house and back to the shop where her car stayed.
Her drive leading back to California Hailee couldn't stop smiling, but it slowly turned into a frown. She's known Jamie for only a day, just a day. Yet she felt sad that she wouldn't be around her anymore.

Just then she got a text from her boyfriend Cameron..

Hey Babe, are you almost in LA?

Not quite, had some trouble during the drive but will be home soon.

Okay see you soon :)


Jamie's Pov:

Waking up I stretched my arms out. Quickly bringing them in, realizing that Hailee was next to me. Only to open my eyes to see she was gone.

I got up quick, running down stairs.

"Mom did you see Hailee leave?"
"No honey, I just got up to make some coffee."
Nodding my head from the staircase I went back to my room.

Why would she leave so early without saying goodbye? I went to my desk to start writing the newest paper for the town. Just when I noticed a sticky note. It was from Hailee. I guess she didn't forget about me. Her note's sweet, I just wish there was something that would keep us in contact. But, I guess we'll have to find each other again.

I haven't updated in awhile and I know this one is short but I will continue to be more consistent :))

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