Chapter 2: It Gave Hope

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   Walking out from the store I turned my back to Hailee to lock the door. We headed to my house, our feet crunching hard in the snow.

"You know I've always loved the outdoors but tonight it's really making me question my likings" Hailee said laughing.

"I get what you mean but when it's just you and the snow you sort of are just able to relax" we continued walking through the snow in the middle of the street. No cars were out and if there were they'd be lucky to get an inch from parked.

Arriving home, I grab my keys from my pocket and start unlocking the door. Marley came running to me as soon as I opened the door. "Oof. Whoa slow down, what'd mom give you to eat". Hailee rushed in from behind and shut the door. Acknowledging Marley she went down to her knees. "And who are you?!" she said in a baby tone. "This Hailee is Marley. A real catch as you can see, loves to give sloppy kisses". Hailee rose from her knees, "Ahh I can see that, isn't she the cutest. I have a dog back home myself, her name is Martini". Looking back at me her bright cheeks glimmered in the light. Admiring her, she finally said "So this is home?"

"Oh right, yes. This is it. My mom should be somewhere around. My brother Chris is sick so I think he's just in his room. My Dad left sometime this week on a business trip so it's just us, and of course you already met Marley." Walking to the kitchen, Hailee followed behind. "Would you like a water or anythin-"

"Jamie is that y- Oh I didn't know we were having a guest over" I shut the fridge quick. "Oh mom, this is-"

"Hailee Steinfeld!!" My mom stood in awe. I was confused of course because I only met her an hour ago, but how did my mom know her?

"Of course I know who she is, you're absolutely phenomenal in True Grit". Hailee blushed as if her cheeks couldn't get any more red from the cold. "You're too nice" Hailee said shyly while looking down. My mom made her way towards me still smiling at Hailee.

Whispering to me making it seem like her mouth wasn't open still smiling at Hailee she turned over "Not that I'm complaining but how in the world is Hailee Steinfeld standing in my kitchen?"
"I know it's sudden but she came into the store because the storm was getting pretty bad. I offered her to stay the night here, I couldn't just leave her to stay in her car." Mom glared back to Hailee smiling, "well you must be hungry. How about I cook up some soup."

Hailee smiled towards my mom glaring at me, almost asking for my permission to answer. "That'd actually be quiet nice if you don't mind. And I'm sorry for just barging in like this, the storm just got so bad."

"Oh no honey you're more than welcome to stay the night, I'm happy you ran into Jamie some folks around here aren't too kind this time around because of their own protection." Taking a seat at the counter I opened up my laptop. "Jamie was as helpful as can be, she really made it easy to feel welcomed." Looking at my mom and Hailee conversing about me made me feel shy. I never got shy around anyone, well there wasn't any I ever took time to notice. Until Hailee. The way she leaned back on the counter while talking to my mom, licking her lips from being chapped from the cold. Her beauty was effortless. Realizing my mom had actually recognized Hailee I got to asking questions.

"Mom, how did you know who Hailee is?"
"Jamie, don't be serious. She's a well known actress and a damn good one. You also sing, is that right my dear?" My mom said while mixing the soup around.
Hailee smiled from ear to ear, "Thank you but yes I've had some roles in the film industry and a few songs here and there."

I felt dumb because how could I not know her. I nodded my head with a smile going to the search browser on my laptop. Typing in the name Hailee Steinfeld. An Oscar Nominee at age 14, a newly released ep, and recently became an ex. producer for a show. Wow, she really is the real deal.

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