Chapter 5: You Get Me

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Friday came sooner than I thought it would. I jumped into the shower at 7, letting the water hit my back. "I'm really doing this."

It was a rather colder day in L.A so I paired my beanie with a flannel.

Wendy gave me an address to which led to a gated studio

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Wendy gave me an address to which led to a gated studio. The security guard stepped out, "And who are you here for?" "I'm here to interview Hailee, Hailee Steinfeld. She's expecting me at 10." He examined his clipboard and checked what seemed to be my name, "Okay proceed forward."

Hailee's POV:

I was finishing my lines for Arcane when my mom tapped against the booth. Motioning for me to meet her outside.

"Hailee! I forgot to let you know you have a journalist coming to interview you." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Here. In the studio?" "Yes, I thought she can interview you from here. You'll have privacy to answer whatever questions she has." She? This must be a promo interview. "Okay, is this for Dickinson or Hawkeye?" Her smile widened, "That's the best part. It's for both, it's for everything. L.A Times wants to write an exclusive article on you." My eyes widened. "That's so sick, when will the journalist be here?" "She's just arrived, let me go get her."

Jamie's POV:

A woman greeted me at the door. "Hello, you must be Jamie."
"Yes, you must be Cheri?" I gave her my hand to shake. "That's me! Hailee is right here through these doors, fill free to let me know if there's anything I can help you with." She motioned me to the door and I took a deep breath before going in. Opening the door I was met with Hailee writing into a journal.


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"Oh my goodness, Jamie? You flew all the way out here to interview me? I didn't know you worked for L.A Times as well?" Her questions came at once.
"I actually moved to L.A, I got an internship at the Times and my first project is on you" I said smiling.
She pulled me into a hug, "That's amazing I'm so happy for you, your writing is absolutely amazing so you deserve it." I was trying to hide my blushing through a slight laugh, "You're too kind."

"How's your mom?! I sure do miss her soup." she nudged me while laughing. "Oh she's great, she was sad to send me off but she's happy for me."
"That's great, I know you'll make her proud." Every word hit me, making me feel warm inside.

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