Chapter 8: One Step at a Time

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Hailee's POV:

Jamie's lip were warm, making every inch of my body go numb. The moment was perfect. I wasn't going to stop her from kissing me, it seems like every time I'm with her I have that happiness I've been searching for.

I open my eyes as her forehead is upon mine. Smiling I say, "Should we head back before it gets too late?"
"Lead the way," Jamie says smiling. I could lunge back into her arms and kiss her just seeing that smile of hers. But I grab ahold of her hand and lead her to my car.

The ride back home was silent, it was a nice silence though. As I pull into my driveway, I park outside of the garage. Making my way to the door Jamie stood on the steps. "Would you like to stay? Maybe we can watch a movie?" I say biting my bottom lip.

"I'd like that" Jamie says smiling.
I began blushing but tried to hide it, "in that case, you know where the couch is" I gesture my hands for her to come in.

I kicked my shoes off making my way to the couch where Jamie sat next to me. Picking up the control I looked to her.

"Is there anything you want to watch?"
"Nothing specific, I love all movies."
"Do you like the movie The Proposal?"
"Do I? Who doesn't love Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. Don't get me started on Betty White."
"Point taken" I say while laughing.


Marry me.
Because I'd like to date you.

Trust me. You don't really
want to be with me.

Yes, I do.

See, the thing is, there is a reason why
I've been alone all this time.
I'm comfortable that way.

And I think it would just be
a lot easier if we forgot everything
that happened and I just left.

You're right.
That would be easier.

- I'm scared.
- Me, too.

Jamie's POV:

I look over to Hailee as the movie is about to end. A tear dropping from her eye. While she beams at the TV. I can't help but smile.

"Gosh, don't you just love that part. The ending always gets me" she says while wiping her tears.
"Yes, it's great. I admire people who go after what they want."
She looks at me curiously, "And what is it that you want."

I instantly look away. Rubbing my finger along my hand. I wasn't going to risk it all right now. I have to be professional, after all I'm writing about her. I wouldn't want to mess anything up to where my internship is ruined, or better yet what I have... whatever I have with Hailee doesn't mess up.

"I.. I don't know yet, I guess I'm still figuring that out."
She scoots closer to me. Her knees crossed on the couch, as are mine, and they begin to touch.
"So there's nothing you'd do, to get what you want."
"Well, what do you mean.. like in this moment?"
Hailee puts her head against the couch, looking at me softly. "I can't get past you."
"What do you mean?"

"I mean, ever since I met you I haven't stopped thinking about you and the what ifs. You have a way with words that make me feel... safe. And you care, I can tell you genuinely care about me."
I grab her hand closest to me, "I've told you before, you're someone worth caring about Hailee."
Hailee smiled faintly.

"Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"The kiss we shared. Was it everything?"
"Hailee.. I... I don't want to cross boundaries. I don't regret it at all, and I meant what I said. I just, I don't want to make things complicated."
Hailee looks at me with confusion. "So why did you agree to stay?"
"Because I.. I don't know. I like spending time with you Hailee" I say looking down.
"Spending time with me... is that all you want."
I look up immediately seeing Hailee waiting for my response, "Hailee.."
Hailee moves closer to me, "I want you to tell me what you want."
Inch by inch, she was getting closer. Looking to her soft eyes and stealing a look to her lips.

Was I really going to risk it all for her. Right now. I couldn't stop thinking of her since I met her but is now the time I break.

I stood up fast, almost making Hailee fall from the couch. "I think I should get going."
Hailee stood up, I could tell she was hurt by my request. "Okay, if you think you should."

I grab my shoes and head to the door. As I walk out Hailee stood for a minute. I didn't want to turn around as I walked to my car. But I couldn't help but glance back. As I looked back the door was shut, Hailee was no where in sight.

"I'm making the right choice." I say as I get into my car.

Friends is what we can be. I can't lose my internship... or her.

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