Chapter 4: Change is Good

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A month since Hailee left I lost hope in reconnecting with her. So to make life interesting, I applied for an internship at L.A Times. I want to further develop my writing and it'd be great to be surrounded by those who get paid the top dollars to do so.

I received a letter in the mail. Pacing back and forth in my room, deciding what to do. Should I wait for mom, or just open it now. This is only the biggest opportunity that I may have so having butterflies is understandable in my case.

The door creaked open, running downstairs I called for my mom. "Mom!"

"I am not the person who gave birth to you."
"Shut up Chris. Where's Mom."
"She's on her way in, she's grabbing the rest of the groceries."
I swung the door open running outside with my letter.
"Mom Mom, it's from L.A!"
"Well what are you waiting for, open it" she dropped all the bags in excitement.

Good Evening,

I want to congratulate you in being accepted for our internship. You will be working with some of the most talented writers in the State....

I stopped after reading the first two sentences out of pure excitement.

"I'm so proud of you honey!! This is big news you have to start packing. When does it say you start?"
"As soon as next week!!"
My mom began getting teary eyed looking at me, "Well I'm going to miss you, but I'm so proud of you. I know you'll make our family proud." She pulled me into a hug and began crying. "Mom I won't be gone long, and of course I will always be in contact with you." She sighed pulling me away from the hug, "I know you will. But you're my baby girl, so this isn't easy for me. Your writing... it's extraordinary and I can't wait til it's portrayed to the world."


My flight was hectic. Of course you have the baby crying, the woman not having her window seat that she paid for, and the business man who refuses to put his phone away. It was all worth it though, because I finally reached the City of Angels.

Gathering my belongings from the luggage center felt like forever. I had help from a driver provided by the L.A Times but I brought more than I thought. As he drove me through the city into my new apartment all I saw were people like me. In works of making a name for themselves.

My apartment was located in downtown L.A on Main St., the Topaz Apartments. I was helped by the doorman with my bags. The apartment was furnished for me, of course I could touch it up to my style but for right now it was manageable. Before the driver left he handed me a card stating I was to meet with someone from L.A Times tomorrow morning. I thanked him, and headed back upstairs to my new home.


In the next morning I got up to get ready for the first day of my future. "Shit, I'm going to be late." The clock said 9 and I have to be there at 9:30. I rushed out the door quickly. Running outside through the lobby I screamed, "TAXI!"

Fidgeting with my fingers as I entered the building I was greeted by the receptionist. "Good Morning, do you have a meeting?"
"Yes, I was told to meet here at 9:30."
"Oh you must be Jamie, yes Mrs. Francis will be right with you."
"Thank you," I sat on the chairs closest to the windows. I can't believe I'm doing this. I was in a small town in Washington not long ago and here I am working with one of the best selling news outlets. "Jamie. Hi, I'm Wendy Francis." "Nice to meet you Mrs. Francis, thank you for this opportunity." "Please call me Wendy, and the pleasure is mine. I'm very impressed with your writing. I feel you will do great things for L.A Times." "I really do hope so."
"Follow me to my office," I followed her through long halls in each office someone was busy typing away. Once we reached her office I was shocked to see her view was the center of L.A. Almost being able to see everyone's move.

"Beautiful isn't it, you're able to see everything from here. All these people and every single one of them have a story behind them." I walked closer to the windows looking down, turning back I asked "What makes you so sure?" She smiled, "Everyone has a story, it's the decisions in life that makes it. A chapter closes and a new one opens each and every day. You are living proof of it. You're starting your new chapter here, and whether you make the decisions that'll help you excel or not will add chapters in your story."

I looked down smiling, "That's a great way to look at life." She reciprocated a smile, "Yes, now let's talk about your first project." I sat down in front of her desk, eager to hear my first assignment.

"You will be writing an article on Hailee Steinfeld."
My heart fluttered as I heard the name. "The actress slash singer?" She looked at me confused, "Yes, there is only one Hailee Steinfeld." She's correct about that but I was just in shock.

"Wow... um I'm sorry. What am I going to write about her." Wendy tapped her finger upon her lips, "She's Hollywoods biggest actress, she's made a name for herself and is continuing to do so. I want L.A Times to be the first to make an article on her and the recognition she will soon receive. Your assignment is to interview her and ask her questions, so you can release an article about who she is as an actress and who she really is as a person. I want you to be creative, this is where I can view your talents as a writer to see if you have what it takes to be a full time Journalist here."

I had no words, one thing stuck with me. I have to interview her. "By interview, do you mean I'm going to meet with her?" "Yes, I've arranged for you to meet with her on Friday. You have a couple days to plan out what you'll be asking her and what route you'd like to go with writing the article." My heart began beating faster and faster, I was to see Hailee again. But will she be as happy to see me too?

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