Chapter 6: It's Everything

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Hailee's POV:

Jamie walked out of the studio, and sadness instantly struck me. I could've talked to her all night, about anything but she was sweet enough to let me go home to rest.

"Hailee, how'd it go?" my mom walks in asking.
"It was great, we didn't quite finish so I'll be seeing her tomorrow."
"Isn't tomorrow your day off?"
"Yes," I said grabbing my bag to leave. "But I don't mind spending time with Jamie" smiling to the door.
"Oh, Jamie. That's her name" she says curiously.
I quickly stop smiling, "Yes, I've met her before. She helped me when I came back to California. Coincidentally she got a position at L.A Times."
"Wow, a small world after all."
I look down to my keys, "I guess so."
"Well honey, I'll see you soon. Get some rest, I love you" grabbing my arm she pulls me into a hug.
"I love you too mom, tell dad I said hi."

I don't know why I can't seem to get my mind off of her. We've had the smallest interactions yet I feel so intrigued by her and just want to be around her. I just hope she puts my number to use.

Getting home I turn on all the lights, its really gotten lonely since Cameron left. It's good at the same time because I shouldn't be so dependent. But it sucks walking into an empty home.

I really need a shower. I should probably feed Tini first, I haven't spent much time with her.

*Bzzz* *Bzzz* Whose texting me at 11' at night? Wow, it's Jamie. I wonder why she's up so late.

Hey Stranger, it's Jamie :)

Wow, look who actually texted me!

Sorry, I know it's late

You're all good
I'm actually happy you texted

Well in that case I'm glad I did.
I'll let you sleep though, goodnight

Wait what, why :(

You need to sleep don't you?
I don't want to keep you up

Welllll, maybe I'd rather talk to you

We have all day for that tomorrow!
Get some sleep,  sweet dreams

Ugh, you're too nourishing.
Goodnight Jamie <3

With that I set my phone down and jump into the shower.


Jamie's POV:

I don't know what I'm doing at this point. I really really care for Hailee and I would love to be friends with her but having something more, is it really something I want. Plus, I have to be professional. After all I'm writing an article on her and I don't want my feelings to effect it. Nor would I want to lose her.

I don't even know if she feels remotely the same. I mean she would rather talk to me than sleep but that doesn't say much about how she feels about me.

Maybe tomorrow I can get a better idea of what Hailee and I are meant to be.


Jamie's POV:
It was hard getting up, for some reason my body felt tired. Once I stepped in the shower the water did it's work in waking me up.

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