chapter 6

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september - 25 - 2014
brooklyn - new york

California carter

i sat alone at lunch once again sitting right outside the front doors of the school. I sat there gazing into the clear blue sky. Not a cloud in sight. I began to reminisce on the past couple of days. Mr. Brown was absolutely perfect. I couldnt deny it. But I would never admit it. I bit into my cosmic brownie, and let the thick, fudgy, sweet substance fill my mouth. I closed my eyes in satisfaction as the desert coated my mouth in a surgary film. I glanced down at the multicolored chocolate chips and sighed. I'm so bored.

It sucks having no friends. No one to talk to. No one to just 'chill' with. No one to give you make overs. No one to borrow clothes from. No one to vent to. Even though I'd probably have nothing to vent about, seeing as nothing goes on in my life. I shouldn't complain though, sometimes quiet can be calming. I like to get lost in my own imagination and day dreams. It's very enjoyable getting away from reality. I'm also happy the tormenting died down this year. Maybe people are finally growing up.

I was cut from my thoughts when I heard a low grumble. I turned towards where I think the noise came from. I bit my lip instantly feeling my wet discharge soak my panties. There he was. In all his glorly, eating an ice cream sandwich. I stared in awe at his actions. The white liquid leaked on to the palm of his hand as he bit into the chocolate wafer layer. Drips of ice cream soon swam on to his face. He chewed the piece he bit then began licking the sides of the ice cream. His long pink tongue glided along the sides of the sand which, oh so gracefully. He then glided the tip of his tongue along the palm of his hand up to his index finger. He wrapped his plump lips around the tip and sucked all the artifically flavored cream off. I was so mesmerized.

He is eating a fucking ice cream sandwich and I'm making it sexual. What the hell is wrong with me? I knawed on my bottom lip at the sight. It felt like rubber between my teeth. I let a shakey breath escape my lungs as I saw him slurp the liquid from his face. He then cleared his throat, interrupting me from my naughty thoughts. I gasped and realized he was watching me watch him.

Oh my god.


Oh my god



He furrowed his brow, and neared me. My heart began to thump faster and faster the more he approached my location. I could hear the blood pumping in my ears and a throbbing sensation took over my lower half. He threw away his ice cream sandwich on the way over here and stood in front of where I sat. I felt my grip on the brownie tighten as it melted slightly. "Ms. Carter?". He sang. His accent sounded like a beautiful orchestra playing a soft tune. It sounded in my ears and gave me a euphoric feeling."y-yes?" I answered. Well whispered. My voice was not strong enough to face god himself.

"Were you watching me". He sang giving me smirk. Almost as if he knew the answer already. I cleared my throat. "Why ask a question you already know the answer to?" My scratchy voice gave me a headache. He smiled a genuine smile, then leaned close to my face. "I wanted to here you say it". He cackled. I bit my top lip in an attempt to calm down. I gazed into those enticing brown eyes. They were so beautiful, held so many stories of pain and love. All of sudden he moved away. He was so quick with his actions, that by the time I could register what happened he was walking into the school doors.


Walking into my favorite classroom i was happy. Happy becuase I get to listen to the schools eye candy for an hour and a half. When I entered I noticed Mr. Brown grow tense. I furrowed my brows and asked, "M-mr. Brown, are you alright?" He clenched his jaw and turned his head slightly away from me. His eyes held tightly shut as he nodded his head. What did I do? Yesterday he seemed perfectly fine with talking to me. I cleared my throat and pushed my thoughts in the back of my head. As I strolled passed his desk his tensed shoulders rose up and he put his head down. I licked my lips and continued walking to my seat.

He began class teaching the boring lesson of quadratics. Why did he have to teach math. It was hard to concentrate with such a distracting thing like him. I managed to get through this lesson with out accidently moaning out his name. Gosh that was embarrassing. He began to hand out the home work and as he approached my desk I notice he was bit more aggressive handing the paper to me. Or more like throwing the paper to me. His body language seemed..........angry?

Well, why was he angry? What did I do? I'm so tired of his childish bi-polar self. Why can't we at least be cordial? Wait a minute, why was I thinking he was mad becuase of me? It could've been a situation out of work. Here I am thinking his world revolves around me when his mood probably has nothing to do with me. I sighed and place the sheet of paper in my crowded folder. I waited impatiently shaking my leg for the bell to ring. As the rest of the class chattered lowly Mr. Brown and I made eye contact. The anger in his eyes was noticeable and it was increasing the longer he stared at me. He huffed and and got up nearly pushing his desk over. Few papers fell off along with pens and other supplies. He had the whole classes attention now. He stormed out of the classroom and into the hallway leaving us all unattended. I furrowed my brow in confusion. I seemed to be confused a lot when I'm around him.

Soon the bell rang and I got up and entered the crowded hallways. I bit my lip in contemplation. I really shouldn't do this but I let my curiosity take over. I searched the hall for his tall frame. I couldnt find him anywhere. As the coridor cleared I finally spotted those thick black glasses sitting on top of his perfect nose. His jaw clenched.

I placed my hand gently on his shoulder. They immediately relaxed. But soon tightened again once he seen it was me.

"What?" He spat, his voice cold and hard. I was taken aback by how violent he sounded. I gulped and almost cringed at the nasty after taste from lunch. "A-are you okay?" My voice shakey and insecure. "Peachy". His answer was short, and stern. Sarcasm apparent in his tone. I swallowed another lump forming in my throat. "Why do you se-". I was cut off by the raspy melody of his voice.

"Why do you care?!" He shouted stepping closer. The halls were empty now and I'm sure my stomach was too. The boom of his voice sent chills through me. He pierced his lips and made me look at him. "Go to class stop worrying about me,¿entiendes?". He looked me straight in the eyes, almost like he was trying to compel me. Well it worked. I nodded my head and his hand released my jaw. He dashed away to classroom.

Next chapter is chris' pov get ready to find out why he's so mad!!!! And meet his family


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