chapter 2

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Brooklyn - New York
September  - 12 - 2014


He was so mesmerizing. From his broad posture to the way his tongue rolls of the rough of his mouth whenever he pronounces a word with an 'R' in it. Lord. He is just so much more intriguing than Mr. Davidson. Everybody and I do mean everyone gave there full attention to this handsome human. Barley human. He was undeniably perfect, it was hard to think of him as a human being. "So, can someone volunteer to give the answer please?". He asked. Every girl raised there hand except for me. I knew the answer,  I just didn't like drawing attention to my self. Of course he picked the female next to me, who was almost as perfect as him. "No solutions?". She stated in more of a question than a response. He let out a deep sexy chuckle as he shook his head. "No sweet heart". He looked across the classroom as his eyes landed on me. "Ahh California do you have an answer?". He asked. I bit my lip hesitantly and spoke,"infinite solutions". I said almost in audible. He smiled at me wide. "Correct baby girl". I melted in my seat, right then and there. A blush lingered on my cheeks as I held back a smile. I noticed Milan giving me a look, with some sort of emotion in her eyes I couldn't tell what it was though.

"Okay class I want you to complete pages 144-145". His Hispanic accent flared throughout his sentence. I had managed to find a pencil on the floor, so that's what I wrote with. I drew the assignment we had to do tonight and packed my things up. I put my bag on my shoulders as I waited patiently for the bell to ring. As it did i got up and timidly walked towards the exit. I heard his amazing accent flare from his lungs behind me. My heart pounded through my chest. "Goodbye". He said. I turned around in my spot ready to wave, but i soon realized who he was speaking to. My face dropped as i seen him gazing at her beautiful appearance. Of course he was talking to her. I turned back around scratching my head in embarrassment heading to 2nd period.

Walking in a little late, no one paid me any mind. Which i enjoyed. I absolutely loathed being the center of everyone's undivided attention. I guess you can dub me with the label of an 'anti-social weirdo'. I just couldn't seem to fully hold a conversation for even 20 seconds. I also was maybe afraid of people. I didn't wanna waste my effort on somebody who could completely ruin my whole life. I sat in my seat as it creaked loudly. Old ass seats. I noticed Milan was in this class too. I know why she didn't wanna let me borrow a pencil let alone talk to her. She hung out with shiloh and shade (shaw-day). They hated me from the very depths of there soul. Why? I have absolutely no clue. The blaring bell hit my ears like a damn stampede making me jump up from my sleeping position on my desk. I had a piece of paper stuck to my face and I'm sure I had red naping indents scattered upon my face. At least this block was over, time for lunch.

I strolled out of school going to sit on the benches outside. That's where I ate lunch. No people. No one to judge me for sitting alone. I was at peace here. I heard a car door slam shut as my head shot in the direction. It was the infamous Mr. Brown. He closed his door shut and carried his brown leather suit case in his muscular arms. He glanced to the side of him for a brief moment, I saw him clench his jaw as his long pink tongue caressed his thick lips. He was compelling in all his mysterious actions. "Hey California". He spoke to me. I snapped out of my daze as a smile forced it's way onto my face. I looked down blushing. I heard him lightly chuckle. "Why aren't you in the cafeteria or court yard with the rest of the students?". He wondered. I took a gulp of my tasteless saliva. "I-i just like being a-alone". I stated. "Well ok". He said walking away. I stared at the back of his figure. His butt moved in his fitted pants nicely. He had a pretty nice butt if you ask me. I noticed three stars carved behind his ear. I bit my lip in agony. Why was he so sexy? Not only sexy but just amazingly exotic and original.

(So imma update Christopher but I wrote the chapter twice and watt pad deleted so now I have to write it a third time, but it's all good I hope you liked the chapter)

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