Chapter 17

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Brooklyn- New York

Christopher brown

"Mm...Chris". Her precious voice collided with my ear drums, as her gentle lips grazed my ear sending chills throughout my body.

"Cum for me baby". I cooed into her neck penetrating her body with my pleasure part. I gazed up at her, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her lower lip trembled. I felt an almost burning liquid roam down my member and legs. I gripped her shoulders pounding into her.

I felt as if I was floating on air, as my orgasm took over. My head shot back as my hips bucked forward. I let out a low growl closing my eyes. I felt as if I just took ecstasy or snorted cocain. Except this high, was far better.

Every time my name cascaded down her tongue, every time her hips rolled with mine, every time her soft lips melted with mine it sent me into an overdrive of anxiety, lust and love.

We connected on the most intimate part of a relationship. We welded together and became one. It felt as if the sex, wasn't sex, but something more. Something far more powerful than us or anything for that matter.

I just wish I connected with Angelina the way I connect with California. But I love Angelina, she will always have the number 1 spot in my life next to Alexia. Even if we don't connect, we still fit.

"Oh god Chris what time is it?". She chirped.

I removed myself from her, placing her  on a desk from the window we just fucked on. She scrambled trying to get herself together. I looked over at the clock in the front of the room.

"Uhh-8:32". I replied.

She gasped, and tried to stand up. I chuckled when she kept hissing at the pain. "Lemme help you". She slapped my hand away giving me the bird.

"This is your fault". She pouted, I just giggled in return. "Sorry not sorry".

I grabbed her arm bringing her into my embrace. "I like you California". I said staring into her big brown eyes. She chuckled. "I like you too".

We glared at each other just basking in the emotions we were currently drowning in. She leaned up and slowly pecked my lips. Our eyes lowered just slightly. But as soon as the kiss started, it ended.

I felt butterflies run up my chest and spread through out my arms. She smiled at me with her mouth closed and dragged me over to our clothes as I was stuck in a daze.

My lips burned from our kiss and I couldn't help but too touch them. I licked them over and over but the tempered fiery sensation would not disappear.

Was this girl even mortal?

She bent down, sending her ass into the air. She doing this on purpose. "Stop staring I got to leave, my sister is going to kill me". I chuckled. "Aww I remember when I had a curfew".

She scoffed as she stood up throwing on her clothes. "Oh shut up 'Mr. Brown'". She said the last bit in a deep voice.

I grabbed my clothes, pulling up my pants and just throwing on my shirt, not caring to button it. We walked out the room in to a dark empty school hallway.

"I can't believe we were having sex for-". She thought for a moment. A little too long for my liking.

"6 and a half hours". I grumbled looking at her. She had her fingers up attempting to count the hours. She scoffed. "Okay math teacher".

This time I scoffed. "Doesn't take rocket science Cali". She shoved me giggling. "Leave me and my slow self alone". My frown turned into a smile. I thought we was going to get into another argument.

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