Chapter 21

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"So what? You fucking my nephew now?" He grumbled tighten his hold on me.

I scrunched up my face. "First of all loosen your damn grip nigga". I pushed his hands off of me. This time his expression twisted.

"Your cheating on me with my nephew and you have the nerve to tell ME what to DO?!"

I blinked a few times making sure I heard him right. I then laughed, like bursted into a fit of laughter. He stood there silent.

"Are you crazy!?". My hand connected to his bicep as he winced away. "Cheating? CHEATING?! Christopher yo-you have a wif- and I just- WHAT THE FUCK".

I just couldn't comprehend what he was trying to accomplish with me. My words came out in jumbles as I felt like crying.

"Lower your god damn voice". He growled.

"I'm supposed to be the one whose obsessive and attached but no! Your the crazy one, cheating?! We're not-" I cut myself off holding my head trying to catch my breath. I couldn't breath and I felt light headed.

"You belong to me Cali, and maybe you need a reminder". With that he walked away.

I stood there basking in the moment. Did he really just...

A reminder?! What does that even mean?!

I pulled my dress down fixing myself after the rough encounter me and that maniac had. I re-entered the house with a smile on my face looking for jay. Maybe Mr. Brown needs a reminder that i am not his, I am mine...or myself...or my own...whatever! He's gonna get the point.

Finally spotting jay talking to his "uncle" he smiled and walked away mid sentence. I wrapped my frail arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes to kiss his lips, "hey baby". I cooed.

I saw Christopher from my peripherals, his face seethed of anger, he was loathing every minute of this, and I was loving it. His muscles flexed under his button up, as he tried to break his gaze from the scene unraveling before him.

Jay stole my attention kissing me, with much more force. "". He giggled at the last part. I gave a fake chuckle and looked to my left to see Christopher run his hands in his curly hair. The corners of his mouth frowned, as he swallowed deeply, cringing then squandering off.

I almost felt remorse for him. Mater of fact I do. I don't know why. You ever just root for someone? Like no matter how fucked up they are you just keep rooting for them because there's just something so incredible about them we don't even have words worthy enough to describe it. Crazy right?

I chewed at the ends of my finger nails biting off the black polish as well. I was anxious, so anxious to just leave and go home. But if I go home, I'll be left with my thoughts. And then I'll drown as mental death consumes me. I'd rather stay here and be distracted.

I cleared my throat in attempted to wash these thoughts of my own thoughts away. Jay lead me through the family crowd back to the living room. He sat me down on his pleather couch and took the place next to me.

I glanced around and recognized his mother and father sit down across from us. His mother took a sip from her tea cup then laid it down on the oak wood coffee table. She licked her lips and flared her nostrils before she looked at me then spoke.

"So...California-" she took a slight pause to reassure that, this was my name. I gave her my attention completely.

"How are you in school".

I contemplated the question once again letting my thoughts choke me. I was doing pretty average, mostly B's your occasional A and lastly a D in of course the forbidden classroom of Mr. 50 shades of grey face ass.

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