Chapter 11

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September - 31 - 2014
Brooklyn- New York

Christopher brown

"Baby". She cooed into my ear. I peered down at her gazing into her big blue eyes. "Y-yes". My voice shook with nerves. Ive been like this with her all night and i don't like it. We were wrapped in each others embrace, watching old cartoons and eating welches gummies. What we've always done for the last 10 years. Her crazy blonde curly hair scattered across the satin pillows as she outlined the tattoos  on my chest. "Can we go pick up alexia?". She wondered. My heart smiled when she mentioned her name. I love alexia with all my heart, shes my little angel.

"Your mama has her". I sighed. She bit her lip glancing down then back into my eyes. "I know, but i miss her". She whined. I chuckled, she loved alexia more than anything in this world. And i loved that about her. She isn't a selfish human being, never was. She puts everyone before herself, even strangers. "I miss her too mami, but she wants to spend time with her nana". I argued smirking. She rolled her eyes sighing. I chuckled at her as she reached for the half empty bag of goodies. 

"So, i got hired to do the make up at fashion week". She stated nonchalantly. I smiled wide hugging her. "Baby thats amazing! For who?".

"Marc jacobs". She whispered.

"Holy shit! Babe this is great". My accent coming out strong from my excitement.

"I know". She smiled, chewing on an orange candy. "I just need more supplies so i can fit every models skin tone". She said it like she was taking a mental note. "Do you need me to pay for it?" I asked eager to help. She looked at me like i lost my mind. "Hell no, Maurice! I pay for my own shit, you haven't bought me a single thing besides this engagement ring and your not going to start now". She grew defensive.

I sighed. Shes so independent, shes never relied on anyone for anything. It was sexy, and another thing i loved about her. "Okay, miss independent". I sang. "Damn right". She mumbled, pecking my lips. My gripped her jaw and brung her closer to me, kissing her again.

"Chris you know i love you". I blushed.

"Y-you too".


I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains, and a naked Angelina on my chest. Her big hair pulled into a bun, and her mouth slightly agape drooling on my chest. I chuckled, she is so cute. I pushed her slightly off of me so i could go to work. She rolled over completely exposing herself. Her perfect plump breast sat on her chest with deep purple hickey marks embedded into them. Her perfectly tanned skin glistened in the little light, lighting the room. Her long eyelashes began to flutter as she tiredly opened her eyes. "Baby?" Her sexy morning voice caressed my ears. Those big baby blues looking at me exhausted. "Kiss". She pouted her perfect pink lips. I sighed leaning down pecking them, but she deepened  the kiss opening my mouth with her tongue. Her minty breath invading my hot morning exhale. I pulled away clenching my jaw.

I stormed off to the bathroom slamming the door. I glared in the mirror at myself flaring my nostrils. I was pissed. How could i cheat on such perfection. Shes perfect for crying out loud. Shes independent, shes caring, shes daring, shes flawless.

i hate that about her.

I glared down at the porcelain sink that lay beneath me. "Baby are you okay". Her perfect voice cooed. I grew angier by the second as my finger tips turned white from gripping the counter tops. "Im fine". I growled.

"Well okay, I'm going to get alexia, see you later, i love you!". She shouted walking away. I closed my eyes calming myself down.

I got up from the sink and turned on my walk in shower. I heard the "shower on" voice before the water immediately turned hot. I stepped in basking in the sensational feeling of my cold hands and feet becoming warm.

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