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Her body was sweaty and had the smell of freshly drawn blood, and wore the marks of purple and yellow all trying to be covered over by her leather jacket and the scent of her cinnamon perfume

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Her body was sweaty and had the smell of freshly drawn blood, and wore the marks of purple and yellow all trying to be covered over by her leather jacket and the scent of her cinnamon perfume. Anastasia White stood on the platform, her dark hair blowing in the wind and her blue eyes watching for two more dark haired people. Rushing through the crowds excitedly with her boyfriend behind her was Cassiopeia James, a sweet and bubbly girl or as some would describe her a golden retriever puppy and her brunette boyfriend Remus Lupin stated that her excitement was his favorite part of dating her.

Now lastly, a tall, dark haired male walked past a crowd of people, his shoulder nudging against all of them. He had dark circles under his eyes, and was extremely pale, the boy a stench of alcohol and cigarettes around him. Many people knew just by the sight that Demetrius Gray was an alcoholic. Demetrius was the first to greet Anastasia ''Deme look at you, have you gotten even taller over summer.'' Anastasia said with a laugh ''Good to see you too Ana, now where is Cassie I haven't seen her yet.'' Demetrius says with a hopeless smile.

Soon enough a view of black hair and purple clothes come into view and Demetrius prepares his arms for Cassiopeia to run into ''Demetrius, Ana I've missed you.'' Cassiopeia says pulling the two into a hug ''Demetrius please tell me you've gotten sleep over summer, and Anastasia we promised no more fights when in a train station.'' Cassiopeia tells them, her motherly instincts kicking in ''Cass don't worry I did get sleep.'' Demetrius says ''and in my defense the guy said what you gonna do hit me.'' Anastasia said while Cassiopeia glares at her.

The clock chimed ten, meaning the train wouldn't be long and at this point Sirius and James had shown up ''Oh Demetrius you are not looking good.'' Sirius said pointing to his boyfriends face ''Thanks Sirius for the compliment.'' Demetrius states sarcastically ''Jesus Christ I was just saying.'' Sirius says defensive, Anastasia stood between the two ''Right remember what happened last when this started, you guys broke up, Cassie got scared and up set, I was planning on how to kill the pair of you and Remus and James didn't really do anything.'' Anastasia tells the two making them shut up.

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