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Everything was normal yet again, James and Anastasia were 3 months into their relationship, Sirius and Demetrius were getting better at not arguing every minute of the day and Cassiopeia and Remus were the same as always, being adorable

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Everything was normal yet again, James and Anastasia were 3 months into their relationship, Sirius and Demetrius were getting better at not arguing every minute of the day and Cassiopeia and Remus were the same as always, being adorable. The group sat in the common room, ''Hey Cassie why don't we go for a little shopping trip.'' Anastasia said, grabbing the girls hand ''Sure, let me just grab my coat.'' Cassiopeia say walking around the back of the chair ''I can't believe you made me do this.'' Anastasia said to Remus ''Yes but think about it, it'll be worth it.'' Remus tells her getting a nod from Anastasia.

The two girls walked into the small town, being careful not to slip on any ice patches ''Oh Tia see you finally found a friend that actually likes you.'' Anastasia hears Jane call to her ''Wonderful to see you too Jane, just remember what happened last time I saw you.'' Anastasia says sarcastically ''You wouldn't dare, this time I've got me boyfriend.'' Jane tells her ''Oh wow I'm so scared, but like I said last time I'll fight you boyfriend or not.'' Anastasia says, walking away from her ''So Cassie where do you want to go first?'' Anastasia asks ''Well I've planned this out, I need to go to Honeydukes to get chocolate for Remus, then I figured we could go to the Hog's head for lunch, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, I need new quills mine broke and then I thought why not pop into Madame Puddifoot's for a cup of tea and a pastry.'' Cassiopeia responds 

The duo sat down for lunch in The Hog's Head ''So, why did Remus tell you to take me shopping?'' Cassiopeia said setting her glass down ''He's planning something for you.'' Anastasia answered ''Oh God little miss prissy's here.'' Anastasia whispered to Cassiopeia ''Ana please be nice.'' Cassiopeia scolds her ''I'm not making any promises.'' Anastasia defends before going up to Jane ''Anastasia Maria White you get here now, Anastasia, oh what's the point she going to ignore me anyway.'' Cassiopeia shout before a crack and a glass smashing alerts her ''Well that's Jane and her boyfriend taken care of.'' Anastasia said walking back to Cassiopeia ''Really what am I meant to tell James when he asks.'' Cassiopeia says panicked ''Say I got into a fight because someone told me I looked like a whore off the street.'' Anastasia answers making Cassiopeia hit her head.

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