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She petite hands grasped the cardigan wrapped around her arms, while others poked and prodded with her face and hair ''Oh Cassie your too pretty to put makeup on

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She petite hands grasped the cardigan wrapped around her arms, while others poked and prodded with her face and hair ''Oh Cassie your too pretty to put makeup on.'' Anastasia said ''What about a bit of blush and mascara?'' Lily asked and Cassiopeia nodded ''Marlene how's the outfit coming?'' Anastasia asked the blonde ''Well I've got  a red and white jumper with jeans and a pair of black Dr Marten boots.'' Marlene shouts from the other room ''Good going Marls.'' Lily calls ''And you my sweet girl are done.'' Anastasia tells Cassiopeia ''Oh don't forget your rings.'' Anastasia reminds her while throwing them at her.

Cassiopeia held her boyfriends hand as they walked to the field of dandelions ''So Rem where are we going?'' Cassiopeia asked ''You'll have to wait and see darling.'' Remus said kissing her cheek.  At the end of the dandelion field sat a tree with a tire swing, decorate with fairy lights and roses and underneath was a blanket with a picnic basket ''Surprise, I hope you like it.'' Remus says, wrapping his arms over Cassiopeia's shoulders.

Cassiopeia looked up at him in awe '' I love it but since it's dark, I'm assuming we're looking at the stars.'' Cassiopeia said excitedly ''That we are love, so you take a seat on the blanket and we can have some food.'' Remus said leading her to the blanket ''Rem you got croissants and custard tarts, you are officially my favorite human being.'' Cassiopeia said taking in all the pastries set in front of her ''Darling I've always been your favorite.'' Remus laughs

After food Cassiopeia lays back on the blanket and waits for the stars ''Cassie you do realize you've still go another 25 minutes until the stars come out.'' Remus tells her ''I know that's why I'm looking up at the clouds for now.'' Cassiopeia explains ''Alright then darling.'' Remus says as he watches Cassiopeia trace the shape of clouds with her fingers ''Rem the stars must be early today look.'' Cassiopeia says pointing to the white dots sparkling in the ebony sky ''They really have darling.'' Remus says cuddling close to Cassiopeia.

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