Chapter 16 : Only the truth

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So, I faked I was sick so that she could go alone to the tour we had planned for that day and I could be alone to be able to go to the authorities. So I left and then, once I was nearby the police station, which I had had difficulties to find, I realized I had no proofs of her being the murderer, it was only my words against hers and that was not enough, she had a nice lawyer and I had just a basic one for emergencies because I'm not used to needing a lawyer. Also we have to take into account the fact that she didn't tell me the truth, I overheard a call from the other room of a hotel whilst in Paris which gave her even more excuses as that I could have misunderstood them and moreover that I had no evidence of that call. Then the only possible thing came up to my mind. I should go ask the hotel service for the records of our room, if they exist, but of course they are going to have security cameras at least, it's the best hotel in Paris, I mean they should. So I went ask and of course, they told me they had cameras with microphones and everything but they couldn't let me get into them because it was confidential stuff.
I tried to reason with them telling them it was a very important issue that a life was taken away because of it and they looked at me with an arrogant look "Miss, I think you are getting out of control, relax and now tell us the truth why you want those records" the receptionist told me.
I told her that I wasn't lying even though it all sounded impossible and outrageous but again she wouldn't believe me.
I then thought of blackmailing her with some money, which was my last idea of how to get the records but of course she wouldn't be satisfied with a small quantity so instead, she required a thousand dollars plus documentation assuring I, was the owner of that room during that period of time, which I could provide easily because I was not lying. I gave her a thousand bucks and she gave me a pen with al the microphone and camera records. I was so excited although it was not something to be excited about, this was not a game and I was not playing the role of Sherlock Holmes. I ran back to the room and turned on my laptop to see the videos and everything was there, absolutely everything, the whole conversation, that was more than enough proof for the police, but suddenly, once I was turning off the laptop to get the pen out...

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