chapter 1- lost and found

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[Six-year-old Rosabella]

Rosabella was happy to have her bedroom on the lowest floor of her house. She may not get the view of Piltover's tall buildings, and she may not get to look down on the small people as they scurried through the streets going about their daily life; But, she got to explore it sneaking out of her window at night and having the entirety of Piltover almost completely to herself. She was a six-year-old. Of course Rosabella didn't care about the view from her window.

The said little girl looked around her bedroom one last time before quietly shuffling over to her window and opening it just enough to slip out without catching any unwanted attention from late night outers. Rose stepped out of the half-opened window; her small feet touched the damp grass below her.

Turning around, Rose closed the window behind her making sure to leave it open ever so slightly for her to be able to open it up again when she returned home. She turned away from her window and walked towards the path that could lead her anywhere she wanted in the entirety of Piltover.

She went on her normal route, walking around the few streets that surrounded the Stormweather house. Rose looked around in awe at all the little green glowing bugs that flew around in the air- they only came out at night and when she asked her mum about it, she didn't really get a response at all. But when she asked her dad, he said something along the lines of "They're dangerous bugs, they come from the Underground so you stay away- you shouldn't even be awake at that time of night."

Ever since then, Rose felt even more drawn to the glowing things- she couldn't help but be enticed in by anything from the Underground, people were so secretive about it. She hated people being secretive about things, she was a big girl now. She could be trusted with all the big girl secrets!

Rosabella looked away from the green bugs for a moment to examine her surroundings only to find that she had wandered completely off her normal path, she wasn't lost- but the walk home would take far longer than half an hour on her small legs. A wave of panic pulsed through the small girl's body. How much time had passed exactly? How would she get back home without being noticed if it's nearly sunrise?

Rose's eyes flickered to the sky to search for any sign of sunrise only to find the moon high up in the sky and the stars winking down at her. The panic was replaced with relief: she still had a good two hours of exploration before she had to start thinking about sunrise, but how did she get here so fast? That didn't matter, but what did matter was the line of green glow that went across a nearby bridge.

That bridge must lead to the Underground- Rose's face lit up with joy and curiosity. You know what they say... Curiosity killed the cat.

Taking quick but small steps, Rosabella approached the bridge and stopped at the entrance. If she did this and her parents found out, they would ground her for life. They already didn't give her much attention as it was, did they really need a reason to be mad at her as well? No, they didn't... buuuut.... She wanted to know the big girl secrets, going to the Underground just means she gets to see the big girl secrets and she gets to see more glowing bugs!

And so, it was decided, Rosabella was going into the Underground.

Rose took a deep breath, filling her lungs up with the chill air of the night, while scanning her eyes along the Large buildings that lined Piltover's streets one last time to make sure no one was watching her before exhaling and taking the first step onto the bridge.

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