chapter 2- lost and found pt 2

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The sight was truly breathtaking, the bugs looked like orbs of light that floated around Rose, illuminating her path and guiding her to the end of the bridge and then into the small lift. The lift started lowering down into the Underground ,now, from what Rose remembered the part of the Underground closest to its entrance was the most populated part of the Underground- people referred to it as the Under City. That was as deep as Rose's knowledge of the Underground went.

When the lift had stopped moving Rose stepped off and straightened her posture a little, feeling slightly intimidated by the large people and the new setting she was faced with. Under closer inspection, Rose could see a lot of fighting, physical and verbal,and there was a lot of drinking from stuff in glass bottles and a hell of a lot of people...putting their lips together? Ew gross... At least Rose's parents didn't do that at home.

Rose shook her head and tore her eyes away from the numerous people who were invading each other's personal space and looked around some more. She was getting quite a few strange looks from people but other than that it was like her existence had gone unnoticed.

The Undercity was the opposite of her home. Piltover had grand, posh buildings and cosy homes with Blimps and Airships that inhabited the sky along with animals such as house cats, dogs, and birds. Topped off with sunbeams to cover it all like a blanket during the day and a comforting darkness that enveloped the whole of Piltover during the night. The Underground had several smaller buildings, they looked hand built and most of them had defects in them. There was no sunlight, there was darkness, but it wasn't the same comforting darkness Rose was used to. The darkness here was eerie, it held untold secrets and many sorrows-It was unsettling. The only source of light here was the fire lit lamps that dotted the paths and the bright neon lights that were attached to certain buildings, though there were a few of those bugs that fluttered around in the sky they didn't provide as much light alone as when they did in the large groups, they were in back in Piltover.

After a while of walking and a lot of running through suspicious alleyways Rose found herself in what looked like the main square of the Undercity, stalls lined both sides, some holding food grown in the Undercity and some Rose recognised as the food she ate herself at home. Other stools held weapons, animals, and clothes. The people running the stalls didn't look friendly or welcoming, they were glaring at everyone who walked past.

Rose snapped her attention to some commotion happening slightly further down the square. A bulky man was yelling at three kids who were running away with a bag filled with what must have been food judging by the large quantity of food missing from the angry man's stall. A girl with pink hair looked back at the man and then looked further back, accidentally locking eyes with Rose. She winked and looked in front of her again, continuing to run away from the scene she had just caused.

Rose rushed towards the stall to see if she could help, she walked up to the man with a kind smile, but the girl didn't even get to open her mouth before she was roughly grabbed by the very man she wanted to help- his face held pure fury as he looked Rose up and down.

"You're one of em' aren't ya? You're one of em' filthy kids who 'ave just stolen from my stall!" The man's voice came out raspy, but it portrayed his emotions perfectly.

He raised his hand ready to hit her as she struggled in his bruising grasp but his had stopped as his eyes visibly widened in realisation before his face creased up and pure disgust flooded his facial features. "You're a kid from the other side" His face drew back into a scowl as a scoff left his lips, his grip on Rose tightening impossibly more "You Topside scum think you have the right to steal from us down 'ere after everythin' you've done?! Well, let me show ya the consequences of stealin' from me."

The man's face stretched into a smirk as he once again drew his hand back. Rose squeezed her eyes shut, squirming in the man's grasp, waiting for the impact. Only the impact never came. Rose slowly opened her eyes to see the man's hand was once again frozen in the air but this time, there was another man's hand holding his back.

"What do you think you're doing? That's a kid you've got there."


I hope you've enjoyed it so far! <3

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