chapter 6- Family can only betray

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Heyyyyyy chapter 6 is finally here! it's not amazing because I'm currently recovering from a creative block. But enjoy! <3 

It's been a whole week since Rosabella randomly showed up at The Last Drop after a year of not visiting without so much as a goodbye or an explanation. She just vanished.

Vander and the others had spent weeks stressing about her and her well-being, they thought that she had been caught by an enforcer while sneaking around at night, or that someone in the Undercity had taken her. People from the undercity often had foul opinions of the topsiders and wouldn't be afraid to show it if one happened to wander into the undercity with no protection.

Eventually, they had given up accepting the fact that Rosabella had left them. Powder became quiet, she missed her new friend, naturally that made Vi angry at Rose, but she had to admit, she missed her too. Mylo and Claggor never got very close to the girl, but they missed the cheerful laughter Rose brought to the dull basement they call home.

After some time, they all got back to normal, Vander was giving them more jobs to take their minds off things and after a few months, it was like Rosabella never existed.

So... how could she just turn up as if she never left?

But this time something was wrong. Rose didn't return to her large home back in Piltover, nor did she even try to explain why. Vander offered to take her as far as the bridge but to no avail.

Vi couldn't wrap her head around the reason why someone would want to run away from Piltover to live in the Undercity. Piltover has everything you could ever want. From fresh food, sugary treats, having spare money to spend on things whenever you feel like it to something as simple as not having to fight for your rights to living a normal human life.

Something was wrong with Rose, and Vi was going to find out what it was.

Vander had just come back from Benzo's shop. His body movement was stiff, and his face was unreadable. His eyes scanned The Last drop until his eyes landed on the lavender haired girl he was looking for. Usually, he would encourage the kids to stay in the basement when the bar was so full of people, but Rose was stubborn when it came to this. There was no convincing her otherwise.

Vander walked through crowds of people, vaguely aware of the people who stepped out of the way to clear a path for him as he made his way over to the bar stool Rose sat on while she fiddled with one of Powder's inventions.

Vander cleared his throat which caught the lavender haired girl's attention. He gestured to the stairs that led to the basement.

Once the pair were in a quieter environment, Vander was able to talk to Rose with a little more privacy. That was a benefit about Rose, her high-end upbringing meant that she was more mature for her young age, she wasn't so hot headed and wouldn't rush to get things done. She could approach the situation with a level head and process the information before coming up with a solution. Vander supposed that was how she successfully ran away in the broad daylight without being seen.

Vander cleared his throat for the second time before speaking. "According to Benzo, there have been no missing person reports in Piltover for years. No enforcers have been sent to check the Lanes either... are you sure your parents returned last week?"

Rose was a strong girl but there was no mistaking the tears that started to fill her eyes as the realisation kicked in.

Her parents didn't care that she had left. They didn't want to find her.

Rose launched herself into Vander as the emotions finally overwhelmed her. Vander tried gently coaxing her into telling him what happened, but no matter how upset she got, there was no way she would tell anyone what happened.


The man slammed his hand down onto the table, making the other two in the room flinch. "What do you mean, she's missing?!" he growled, directing the question at Rosabella's father, Gideon Stormweather. The said man gulped before responding.

"W-well, we got back from our trip, and she wasn't there haha..." The nervous laughter only seemed to aggravate the other man more as he proceeded to push his desk chair over, which resulted in a loud thump echoing around the room.

Gideon spared a glance at Electra, who didn't seem phased by their angry boss. He really didn't like where this was going, their daughter is missing, and Electra doesn't even seem worried about her. He didn't agree to this.

"Uh, we should report her missing, she could be anywh-"

"No," Electra cut in. Her voice was sharp, leaving no room for argument from either of the males in the room. "No, we will not report the little brat as missing. Are you both that blind?"

She turned her hard gaze onto her boss, raising an eyebrow at him in question. She only got a sigh in response, as he gestured for her to explain further. "All right, Electra. What's your big idea?"

She smirked, walking over to her boss' desk and picking up the chair, placing it back in its rightful place before stepping back and moving her arm out, guiding her boss to sit in the chair.

"Rosabella is a big part of our plan. But do you really think she will agree to our methods to achieve the New Zaun we all deserve?" Electra reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, unfolding it and placing it on the desk, sliding it over to the man who now occupied the chair.

On the paper there was a child's drawing. There were several stick people drawn in a large group, each stick figure had their own unique features to tell them apart from the others. But every stick figure had a large smile that took up over half their faces.

You could make out Electra's lavender's hair and her tall figure, Gideon's silver hair and slightly shorter frame. There was a group of enforcers and a small scribble that could be made out as Heimerdinger. But there was also a group of Trenchers as well. They were easily identified, one had bright pink hair, another had short blue hair and two figures that had brown hair, one of them had spikey hair and the other had a slightly tidier haircut but had large circles that covered their eyes as some form of glasses. But one, one of these stick figures caught the boss's attention.

Electra continued, "Rose wants everyone to be equal. She doesn't want revenge for everything the topsiders have done to ruin down here. If she finds out what we're doing sh–"

"She will run to Vander..." Their boss finishes as he stares at a rather detailed stick figure, clearly an old friend of his and Electra's.

Gideon goes to interject but is silenced by his boss's dismissive hand and Electra's sharp glare.

"Well, I suppose we will have to take both Vander and Rosabella Stormweather off the menu. We will get our New Zaun, no matter how high the stakes get"

Gideon takes a sharp intake of breath but keeps a straight face, while Electra smirks. They both bow in sync however Gideon doesn't dare to say anything.

Electra's voice is full of excitement when she speaks, it sends a chill down Gideon's spine.

"Whatever it takes, Silco."

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