chapter 3- Journey home pt 1

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"What do you think you're doing? That's a kid you've got there"

This man was a lot taller and muscular than the man from the stall, His voice held an authoritative tone showing that he clearly held power in this place.

Rose didn't miss the slight drop in the stall man's shoulders before he corrected his posture, straightening himself out even more than before, and puffing out his chest slightly. Despite the situation, Rose had to bite back a laugh as the man's actions reminded her of a pufferfish when it feels threatened. It was clear that this new man who had stopped him from hitting the small girl intimidated him.

"What does it look like? This topside scum is trying to help your brats steal from my stall!" The slight shake in the stall keeper's voice was quite easy to hear. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I'm teaching them the consequences of trying to take my stuff without paying."

A sigh was heard before the other man started to speak "Gary, I assure you that I have never seen this girl before and that she has nothing to do with my lot'" The large man forcefully pushed, who Rose now assumed to be Gary's hand down to his side. "Let the girl go and we'll be on our separate ways"

Gary removed his hands off Rose reluctantly and took a step back, folding his arms over his chest. The unnamed man placed his hand gently onto Rosabella's shoulder before guiding her to take a step forward, but she stopped in her tracks when another hand was placed onto her other shoulder rather roughly, preventing her from walking away any further. Rose stiffened, her eyes filling with tears as fear took over her. She wanted to go home.

Rose looked up to the stranger who had saved her previously, silently begging him to help. The man looked at her, then to Gary, a frown taking place on his face in the process. His hand tightened defensively on Rosabella's shoulder. He raised his eyebrow, signalling for Gary to speak.

"Over half my stock is gone because of your kids and you know what her kind are like," Gary rasped, his free hand casually gesturing at Rose's trembling figure. "They take as much time delivering our stock as possible. I need that money, Vander."

The said man let out a harsh sigh, shaking his head while pinching the bridge of his nose. "You will get the payment for the missing food as soon as I can get it to you. My lot will also be sanctioned for the stunt they pulled." Vander pulled the hand that rested on Rosabella's shoulder towards him slightly, making Rose stumble closer towards him, causing Gary's hand to slip off her shoulder in the process.

Gary nodded in Vander's direction showing his understanding before his eyes dropped down to Rose, his eyes narrowing into a chilling glare as he scanned her body once again. Someone cleared their throat loudly, catching Gary's attention before he shook his head and walked back to his stall.

Vander looked down to Rose with eyes filled with concern for the girl. She was in no condition to walk; she could hardly stand on her two legs as it was. Vander bent down onto his knees, giving Rose a large comforting smile before opening his arms out.

Rosabella collapsed into his arms, desperate for some comfort, she let him scoop her up as she rested her head on his broad shoulder. She let her eyes close as they became too heavy for her to keep open.

Vander couldn't stop the small smile that spread onto his face as he felt Rose's body relax and her breathing evening out as an image of a familiar pink haired girl flashed across his mind. He carried the sleeping girl to the last drop just like he had done to two other girls the previous year.



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