chapter 5- reunited

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heyyyy its finally done! I'm sorry for the wait, turns out I'm still recovering from covid but I feel so much better now. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Rosabella's parents had gone away again, off to a different city with Professor Heimerdinger to a science festival, leaving Rose alone with an elderly babysitter who doesn't pay any attention to her. This is her chance. Her only chance to get away.

She has been planning this for weeks, it was fool proof. Well... to an 8-year-old it was. But there was only one person who could stop her, and she was too old to even stand up properly without her walking stick so nothing could really go wrong anyway.

Rose grabbed her spare backpack and started putting essentials into it: a small amount of food, clothes (in case she ever needed to return without any trouble), a small bottle of water, and a sharp stick she had found for self-defence due to a little... experience she had last time.

She didn't really want to leave. Rose loved both of her parents, but ever since they found out that she had snuck out and went to the Undercity, life had been hell for her. Yes, Rose has snuck out numerous times since then and her parents are yet to find that out but she hasn't been out for over a year. Her parents kept her window permanently locked and her room door gets locked every night at 8:00 sharp. Ever since they had found out about Rose's intentions and how she wanted to help the Undercity, all they have done is shut her down and make her feel as if her opinion was wrong, even if Rose knew that it wasn't.

Rose missed Vander, he was like the comforting family figure who gave her the love and attention her family members fail to give her. Even in the short time she had been visiting Vander and the others in the Undercity, she had become part of their little family. Rose missed playing with Powder and Ekko, running around the Last Drop and the streets of the Undercity, she missed Claggor reading out sections of one of his books to her. She even missed Mylo's snarky comments he would make at the smallest things. But most of all, Rose missed Vi, she missed sneaking around Vander and secretly eating one of his homemade cookies. And she missed surprising Vi with cupcakes she made while Vander made cookies to cheer her up when one of her jobs didn't go as planned. (This led to her nickname: cupcake)

If her plan goes well, Rose could get back to those times and she could be happy again. She will get to see Powder, Mylo, Claggor, Vi and Vander again and they will live happily ever after... ☺

Rose took her bag and snuck down the stairs, the door was five steps away max, all she had to do now was run and not look back.

So that's what she did. She ran and ran and ran until she found herself stepping onto the same bridge she had stepped on so many times before. Only this time, it was still light outside unlike her other trips which were always in the pitch black of the night.

Adjusting the strap of the bag, Rose continued her walk across the bridge. Sunlight reflected off the water's surface making it look like the sunbeams were dancing elegantly around the water that flowed under the bridge. Rose stepped off the bridge and into the elevator pulling the lever down.

Rose felt it even more than before, excitement and adrenaline pumped through her veins. She was finally going to be back with her friends in the last drop, she was finally going to be happy.

As the elevator stopped moving Rose was struck with some sort of strange familiarity. People swarmed around the Undercity. She had gotten so used to the sight in front of her that even after a year of not visiting this place, it still didn't faze her. Probably not the best influence on an eight-year-old... anywaysss.

Rose had almost completed her plan. All she had to do now was make it to the last drop without being disturbed on her journey. She reached back and grabbed the sharp stick that was tucked into a pocket of her backpack and held it tightly in her hand.

She made her way through the crowd, eventually making it to the building that was lit up by an orange neon light. Home.

She opened the doors and entered the buzzing building, walking through the groups of people and walking down a set of stairs that Rose knew led to a spare storage room that currently occupied 4 rather restless children. She walked up to the door and swung it open with a large smile on her face. This is home.


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