Scary Hours

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They got back after a long stroll and a couple of hundred pointless conversations later. Kate held her belly as she entered the house. Yelena was mumbling something incoherent yet Kate still laughed just beacause Yelena was. They fell on the couch exhausted hugging their stomachs. They sighed giving themselves a break from the continuous work out of their abs.

"I don't think I've laughed so much in my life" Kate said while laying on the couch in an otherwise uncomfortable position.

Yelena being on the other couch in a similar position said "Yeah I think i just got a six pack"

Kate chuckled "If only it were that easy"

Yelena scoffed "Oh shut up!You are literally a gym rat"

Kate gasped "Am not!" she defended

"Oh really?" she asked mockingly "You're basically underage and you have the physical condition of a body builder so don't whine"

Kate raised herself slightly and held her mouth agape "How dare you! I am a mature 22 year old woman!" she declared making Yelena laugh softly "And also" she continued "You're way fitter than me so"

"Well duh?" Yelena deadpanned making Kate scoff and fall back on the couch, this time splaying her legs and arms. Yelena copied her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. The sun had setted a long time ago and the glow of the city lights was visible on the windows. They had yet to turn on the lights in the living room so that glow was the only thing permitting them to see each other. This darkness offered a sense of comfort in this huge house, it made them both feel more at ease.

They gradually zoned out of reality and allowed themselves to get absorbed into their thoughts.

Yelena went over her time that day, how it started and how it turned out. It wasn't like she didn't intend to have good time, that was her goal in every social situation. But this time felt different because she didn't have to try. She was just really having fun. She sensed that there was something about Kate that made her feel comfortable. Maybe it was her goofiness that resembled hers, maybe it was her cockiness mixed with bits of humbleness. She was bold yet shy. She was silly yet serious. She was also a very soft hearted person, something that wasn't very familiar to her. Especially in cases were she was practically enemies with the other person.

She also thought about her sister yet again, who was the reason she was there in the first place. Truth was Yelena didn't exactly have a large friend group. Friends were sparse in that business. And having any sort of likings was even sparser. She didn't object to whatever was forming with Kate that moment. If it grew to become a friendship even better, but for the moment it was only a liking and she didn't mind one bit. She hadn't had a good time with a girlfriend in a while.

Funnily enough same went for Kate, who spent her whole life with 2 friends who she kept ever since elementary school. Her schedule was tight given she wanted to be a superhero since her childhood. She was constantly running to and from practices to matches and competitions. There were days she was so drained she couldn't even speak to her mother. Her friends understood because that was the life they chose too. It was just that Kate over-chose it. Her first kiss was an experience that you could characterize as another happening since it was so rushed because she had to get to practice. She barely had time to build relationships outside her strict schedule thus strong bonds were rare. And then there was a bond that was forming with the enemy.

It was no secret she admired how skilled Yelena was. She had no problem fangirling. The thing was she could also fangirl over Clint but it never felt that it was quite like it with him. Maybe because his older or because he just wasn't like her. Either way she knew she had chemistry with this stranger that didn't feel like one. She couldn't tell if Yelena always found friends so easily since she's so likeable but for her it wasn't every day that she truly felt comfortable with someone she knew for a few days. But then again there was also Clint but he was a partner more than a friend.

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