Oh Mother!

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Yelena shuffled, waking up slowly. She stretched her arms and legs and rubbed her eyes so that she could start her day. She raised herself slightly in order to take in her environment. The sun's rays weren't exactly bursting through the windows since Ney York's town planning was all about having large buildings get in the way of the light so the sunshine lit the room dimly but enough for Yelena to understand that it was the morning and she had to get up.

She looked next to her and the little brunette from the other night was long gone. The covers were undone and that meant she was probably downstairs.

She got off the bead and stretched once more before she headed down.

She walked down the stairs and looked around for a bubbly brunette archer but she couldn't see her anywhere. She wasn't in the living room or the kitchen or the office. She would have known if she were in the bathroom since she was there a moment ago.

So Yelena threw herself on the couch, her eyes still puffy from sleeping. She looked at her watch and found out it was 11 o clock in the morning which meant she had been asleep for quite some time

She layed on the couch once again quite like she did the day before and she wondered what she'd do next.

It didn't sit right with her to just stay there without being entirely honest to the girl who was kind enough to let her stay with her (not that she'd give her much of a choice but that is a different story).Disclosing personal information to anyone wasn't her forte and she didn't exactly get better at it because she met someone that she favored. She was staying with Kate partially for selfish reasons but maybe if she just asked Kate some personal stuff about her, her ulterior motives regarding her stay would remain hidden. She might like Kate but it didn't mean she wanted to account for her actions to anyone especially a rich little brat that fooled her so easily the other day.

And as she recalled last night's events she realized this liking for the brunette was bad for her. I mean blushing? How old is she? 12? And falling so easily for Kate's tricks without questioning them for a second. She staged an oscar-worthy play right in front of her eyes and even though she had witnessed war crys and pleads for mercy and even true pain at times she had failed.

It was essencially a moment of weakness. And a weakness doesn't make a black widow it just makes sheep ready for slaughter. It bothered her and sort of embarassed her to the point she jabbed her nails in the skin of her stomach. It was mostly the thought that if the situation was different, if it was a fight in the battlefield, she'd have a huge disadvantage and that could have been a fatal mistake. That infuriated her. Having trained in the Red Room she knew being merciful was for the inexperienced or the weak. She was neither. She was the feared Yelena Belova. 

She didn't know that but Kate Bishop wasn't thinking of their interraction as a sign of a weakness  but as a sign of care which made the brunette feel guilty. And that's why she was absent that morning; so she could compensate for her actions.

The idea to act as if she was so petrified she almost blacked out came to her near the end of the second movie when she realized she was definitely going to lose that bet. She didn't know why but she took that stupid bet so seriously that she thought that if she may just turn the tables a little she could still win some satisfaction. Yes, she was terrified of horror movies but when Yelena asked her she couldn't just man up and be straightforward. She chose the hard way.

It just seemed so childish. She had tried to become a super hero ever since she was a kid and admitting she basically couldn't stand watching a movie genre would just be so absurd. What would Yelena think?

And she also found herself asking that last question a bit too much. Too much even for her who was a basic fangirl.

But that wasn't important at that point because even if she was thinking about Yelena's opinion about her a tad bit too much, she had made her furious the past night which she wanted to fix. She wanted to do something to show her she wanted her to forgive her but she also didn't want to go over the top (like she did with yesterday's performance)

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