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Kate timidly knocked on the door mastering all her courage and strength and preparing herself mentally and physically for Yelena.

She couldn't know what she'd be like. It had been a few moments since she called her down and she had no idea how to shake it off.

She knew she screwed up, badly too there was no denying in that. But if she judged from herself just going out and saying sorry about it would solve just about nothing. Yelena was unpredictable in many ways and that's what perplexed things more.

Kate didn't find it right to hide around the corner and pretend she did nothing wrong. Simultaneously though she didn't know how to approach the subject and try to make amends with Yelena. She was sorry, truly, yet she didn't find an apology suitable in this occasion. It seemed to be too short and dry. Kate wanted to make Yelena see that she realized her mistake and that she was willing to get better.

Speaking about her wrongdoing Kate replayed her actions in her mind too many times not to feel regretful and upset. She tried to put herself in Yelena's shoes and the more she did the more she resented the mean things she spat out and the way her mind worked that moment. It was true, insecurity got the better of her. But all people required their time to open up and confess their feelings. It didn't cop on her that Yelena was already on her limit outing so many of her thoughts over the past days. Kate was grateful that Yelena seemed to be so open, yet she demanded that she went over the top. This surpassed her limits and she only saw it when it was too late. Things were already tense thus not much was needed for the situation to get out of hand.

How stupid Kate cursed and shut her eyes hard trying to let  the bitter feeling in her heart go. She now understood that she needed to be upfront and real to the blonde to make up for her mistakes.

After the knock she didn't hear a response and sighed. There was no way Yelena would make it easier for her and honestly she shouldn't. She was determined to say the right things and salvage their relationship no matter Yelena's reaction.

"Yelena can I come in?" she asked behind the door

The blonde was laying on the bed expressionless "It's your house" she deadpanned and Kate opened the door wincing at her wittiness

"Hey" she whispered locking eyes with the blonde after almost 2 hours from their argument. Yelena nodded her head and sat on the bed. She locked her fingers and rested her elbows on her knees

"I'm assuming you're here to make amends" she said harshly and Kate gulped

"Yes" she answered "But I promise it's not going to be lame and corny" she said her eyes almost pleading. Yelena sighed in frustration

"Kate I don't need apologies" she said in a firm manner. "I simply need to move past this" she explained her eyes weary disappointing Kate little by little since she sensed Yelena was tired of her.

She didn't want to give up though she muttered a small okay and let her brain think hard of something to say, anything that would catch the blonde's attention enough so as not to dismiss her.

"Do you have plans for today?" she asked innocently and internally cringing at herself due to this absurd question that came out of her mind. Still it was something that would break the ice.

Yelena scoffed "Just as many as you" she answered with sarcasm. "Why?" she asked her brows furrowed and her expression cold, seemingly impossible to warm up.

But it was Kate we were talking about. She could do it if she tried, she was determined.

She took a decisive step forward, raised her chin slightly and said in a very firm manner "Go out with me".

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