Whitney Houston

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Sometimes life feels like a movie. The way it passes showing flashes of scenes similar to Hollywood films of different genres. Kate wasn't particularly able to pinpoint the genre of the movie she was into right now but it was definitely an Oscar worthy one since she was kissing her former enemy, the one that tried to kill her best friend and idol, inside an elevator on the way to the penthouse.

Their fingers running through each other's hair taking hold of brunette or blonde strands and their lips softly clashing and moving in rhythm. It had to be a very well shot movie scene with all the different vibrant colors around them and the correct placing right in the middle of the elevator.

When the elevator reached the right floor the sound it made broke off the passionate kiss all too abruptly. They pulled back slightly startled and looked at the open door and then at each other's eyes. Kate smiled cunningly and gave her a peck on the lips before pulling her inside the house in excitement. Yelena smiled softly finding her adorable.

"You know the house seems to me like it's sometimes awfully too big. And you know now is the time that I find it just right because I think I there's so much space for me to kiss you." Kate stated making Yelena turn bright red.

Was Kate a little tipsy? Sure. Was she also very happy? Definitely. So that was were all this came dorm and now Yelena couldn't exactly handle it coldly like she was used to for obvious reasons. Kate and her kissed and she'd be lying if she said she didn't adore it.

When Kate was kissing her these past few moments it really did feel like nothing else existed around them. The way the brunette's hands cupped her cheeks with her long fingers covering their entire surface or the look on her face when they pulled away made her feel so many things that caused her stomach to tingle and her cheeks to turn red.

Yelena smiled as Kate pulled her inside the living room by the hand. Their fingers intertwined and her legs moved without specific orders from her brain. She just let th brunette take her wherever she needed to. She wasn't acting like herself she knew that. She wouldn't normally let others just take the lead. Kate was a big exception as she proved many times over the past few days. She didn't mind as the time progressed. It was actually quite soothing at times.

Kate lead to the couch she sat down and motioned for her to sit on her lap. Yelena raised a brow in question and smiled faintly.

"You wouldn't mean for me to sit on you?" she asked in a playful manner

Kate frowned "why what's wrong?" she asked puzzled.

Yelena kept her smile and sat next to her. She looked at her for a moment meeting Kate's confused expression. She didn't say a word. She simply pulled her by the waist so she would sit on top of her straddling her. The brunette was left in awe as she was pulled by a force much bigger than she could handle.

Yelena giggled softly at Kate's surprised expression. Her brows shot up and her hands slightly raised. When Kate overcame the astonishment she was met with Yelena's lit up face and her wide smile beautifully enhancing the surroundings. She smiled softly at the sight and when the giggle died out she placed her palm on the blonde's cheek. Yelena moved closer to it,appreciating its warmth and sense of comfort. How lovely it felt to be held by someone else. Albeit not being used to touching like this she couldn't hold the surge of emotions taking over her mind and body as she was treated in such a gentle way.

"I've never done something like that before" the words slipped Yelena's lips before she was able to process them. She didn't have the time to feel awkward though because Kate smiled at her lovingly and traced small patterns with her thumb on her cheek before she spoke.

"Does it feel good?" she asked innocently

Yelena nodded. It felt amazing.

"Didnt you have someone to do these things with before?" the brunette inquired and Yelena shrugged.

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