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"God I love fish" Yelena deadpanned as she ran her hand across the fish' container.

Kate frowned in confusion. "Why?" she asked deeply concerned

Yelena shrugged and kept walking taking a look at each unique fish in the fish tank. "I find them pretty and clueless. Did you know that goldfish actually retain information for as long as 5 months?" she said and looked at Kate like she was stating the most mindblowing fact of the day. In all fairness goldish are considered animals with terrible memory.

Kate's eyes narrowed in confusion "Okay?" she said finding the information random and Yelena turned her back against her once more to examine the fish.

"Look!" she pointed at the clown fish "Nemo!" Kate's attention shifted towards the fish and she chuckled. She turned to look at the blonde who stuck her face aginst the glass creating a small foggy circle as she was exhaling. Kate giggled at her enthusiasm and gently placed her hand on Yelena's shoulder 

"Let's search for his dad" she said and looked at Yelena smiling cunningly "Oops,sensitive subject" she joked and Yelena turned to face her frowning as she didn't understand Kate's joke

It didn't take long for her to get it though and she rolled her eyes even though a smile formed on her lips "Haha Kate Bishop thinks she is funny"

"Yes she does actually" Kate deadpanned while nodding "And Yelena thinks so too"

Yelena detatched herself from the glass and looked at Kate as if she was shocked "Does she?" she covered her mouth "I don't think so"

"Yes she does" Kate insisted and Yelena simply moved her index finger left and right singaling a no

Yelena wanted to come to the aquarium and Kate agreed to go. She hadn't gone ever since she was a child so it was somehow new to her too. It had a large amount of different species and also Yelena was very excited to go. 

Kate was pleasantly surprised Yelena liked aquariums so much. It was cute to see her run around happily and her eyes sticking out every time she saw a colorful fish. She didn't exactly appreciate them herself. She found them creepy with their eyes protruding like that.

On the way there Yelena told her some basic stuff about her family. Like the fact that she didn't know who her real parents are or that her adoptive ones were essentially fake. Her sister was too but when Kate tried to ask if she was fake to Yelena too she anticipated the question and briefly responded that Natasha was the realest thing that ever happened to her.

Kate hoped that Yelena was more specific about her family and that she elaborated more but didn't dare to ask anything else fearing that she might snap. It's unkind to push someone to talk anyway and she wanted Yelena to feel like she could say things not that she had to say them. 

On the other hand she didn't understand the reason she wanted Yelena to feel so comfortable. She could just let her tag along with her for the holidays and say goodbye to her when they are over. They could just say meaningless things, share only dumb thoughts and forget about deep conversations. Yet something pulled her towards wanting to make something good out of their relationship. They weren't friends but she wanted to be. And because she did she felt like she had to get to know her.

"Kate!" Yelena called shaking her from her thoughts "Come this way" she showed her the way and they headed towards a room that had fossils of extinct fish. Yelena was muttering small "wows" the whole time which Kate secretly admired. The blonde stopped and looked at the bones of an ancient eel. She placed her arms on the bar that divided the discovery from the public and clung onto it raising her feet slightly off the ground. Kate noticed the action and smiled brightly at the blonde whose eyes were fixed at the eel. Her pupils had dialated taking up almost the whole green part of her eyes. She was like a child and Kate couldn't get enough of it.

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