Chapter 1

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Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George were sitting in a compartment together when the Hogwarts Express came to a sudden stop. The train ride had only been going for 30 minutes.  Everyone looked around for a reason that the train would have stopped, the last time that the train had stopped unexpectedly was in Harry's third year. When Sirius had escaped, (this is Harry's 6th year but Bellatrix never killed Sirius).

" What happened?" Harry asked, he was looking at Hermione who was looking out the compartment door.

"Harry, I think it might be Death Eaters, what do we do?" A frantic Hermione asked. 

"Well, I taught you all how to fight if it comes down to that, but I will speak to them I already told you we want to join the dark. and you all agreed it would be the best, right?"

"Yeah!" Was the enthusiastic reply he got back from everyone in the compartment.

"Alright, let's do this, stay calm when they come in and act as though you did not know they were on the train."

"Alright, Harry." As George said that five Death Eaters came into their compartment, they all had their wands drawn and pointed at Harry and his friends.

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