Chapter 2

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"Potter, what a pleasant surprise." Came the drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy.

"Lucius Malfoy, the pleasure is all mine. I am so happy to see you all again." Harry said with a mock bow.

"Stop with the games itty bitty baby Potter." Bellatrix Lestrange said in her mock baby voice.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, I assume, we have only had the pleasure of meeting once. I assume you remember who I am but just in case; I am Harry Potter." Harry said sticking out his hand, "I think it would be safe to assume that the man next to you is your husband Rodolphus Lestrange and to your other side is your husband's twin brother Rabastan Lestrange." When everyone was looking at Harry in surprise, Harry just shrugged and said, "I do my research."

"Potter, how do you know who we are? We have our masks on." Rabastan asked.

"Yeah mate, how did you know who they were?" Ron asked.

"A master never reveals their secrets. Now I only named four of you Lucius, Bellatrix, and Rodophus, Rabastan. But there is still you," Harry said pointing at the fifth Death Eater, he of course knew who it was but wanted to play with them a bit. "Who could it be... judging by your company you are pretty important..." Harry pretended to gasp, "Professor! Long time no see, Guys don't you see it's Professor Snape."

"Are you sure little bro?" Fred and George asked in unison.

"Positive. Come on you all takeoff your masks I already told everyone who you are." The Death Eaters shared a look and then slowly took of their masks, as expected there was Lucius, Bellatrix, Rodophus, Rabastan, but when Snape took off his mask their was a collective gasp from all of Harry's friends.

"Harry, I did not actually expect there to be Professor Snape I thought that a few narguls had infested your ears, but I suppose not. I am sorry to have assumed that, Harry." Luna whispered sincerely.

"It's alright Lulu." Harry smiled at her softly, "You still owe me that duel." Luna went pale, Harry chuckled, the Death Eaters looked confused, and Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George looked sympathetic. "Alright," Harry turned back to the Death Eaters. "Now you lot, why are you here?"

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