Chapter 31

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Harry was again in Dumbledore's office. A months had passed and he had been learning bout the Dark Lord's past. However he had yet to visit the man.

"Headmaster." Harry said as he enters the room.

"Harry tonight we will be visiting one of the most important memories I have. This I believe it's the key to defeating Lord Voldemort. However before that I would like you to view this memory."

"Alright, sir." Jerry dipped his head in the pensive and was transported to the orphanage which he had become quite familiar with.

However, the fave of a younger Dumbledore came into view.

"Good morning I would like to visit Tom Riddle." Young Dumbledore said to one of the care takers.

"Of course, he is right through here. Are you family? Tom never get visitors. Bright lad he is, a little odd but polite enough to the adults."

"No, I'm not family I'm from a school and we would like Tom to attend our school." The care taker looked disappointed when Dumbledore said he wasn't family. "What do you mean he is polite enough to the adults?"

"Well there have been some incidents with other children nasty incidents. However we don't have enough money to pay for any fancy school."

"Don't worry, he got in with a scholarship. It is a boarding school however so he will be away for months on end however he will be back for summers and other holidays if he wishes. That is of corse is he chooses to take the offer."

"Of course." She repeated. "Anyway here is his room." Dumbledore entered the room and saw a ten year old Tom sitting on his bed.

"Hello Tom. How are you doing today?"

"Are you the doctor? "

"No, I'm a professor."

"I don't believe you."

"Have you ever been able to do thinks you can't explain?"

"Yes. I can make things move without touching them. I can control animals without training them. I can make people hurt when they're meant to me." At the last statement Dumbledore looked consented but seemed to wave it off.

"That's vacuole your a wizard Tom like me."

"Prove it." The child demanded and harry saw the resemblance between this small child and the Dark Lord that had caused a war.

Dumbledore then took air his wand and gave it a little flick. Suddenly the wardrobe set on fire. The young boy's eyes widened as all of his possessions were likely in the now burning wardrobe. However open further inspection the wardrobe was not burning it was simply on fire.

"I think something is trying to get out of your wardrobe." Dumbledore said. If you listened closely you could here a rattling coming from in the closet. Tom took out the bot and placed it in his bed. In the box was a few toys. "At Hogwarts we do not tolerate thievery."

"Yes, sir." Then Dumbledore offered to take the boy to get his supplies, however the child refused saying he would go by himself. Dumbledore then bid Tom farewell. When Tom suddenly said something to stop Dumbledore in his tracks.

"I can speak to snakes. Thy find me. Is that normal for someone like me?" Harry wanted to smack the young boy however  the memory devolved and Harry re-emerged in the real world.

"Did you know?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

"Did I know army the time I was meeting the child that would go in the be the Dark Lord? That I was the one who introduced him to magic. No, I was surprised at his last statement. However I did not know at the time."

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