Chapter 5

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"Whoever you are come out now or face my wrath." Voldemort called out to the back of the room where his DEs has cleared a path.

"I think I have caught your attention; I have heard that is a very hard task."  Harry said walking forward with Luna, no one could see the couple's faces, but they could probably guess who it was. "My name is Lighting, nice to meet you, you seem fascinated by me. But excuse my manors this lovely lady is Thunder."

"Lightning, what makes you think that you can just barge in here unannounced?" Voldemort asked in a sweet voice that held more danger that the strongest curse.

"I thought you wanted to speak to me, mind you I am missing something very important to be here having this conversation, either way I thought it would be prudent for us to be... allies."

"What could you possibly offer me to make me want to become allies with you?" Harry though for a moment, then smirked and stated.

"What about I duel someone, you choose it can be up to five moderately powered people, but if it is someone particularly strong, I would say two is fair." The smile on Voldemort's face was positively frightening.

"Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape against Lighting, the rule is don't kill. Lighting must win or last ten minutes in the Duel." Voldemort had everyone clear a circle in the middle of the room. "3... 2... 1... BEGIN."

The Duel began and it was instantly clear what Bellatrix and Snape's strategy was to send spells at Lightning from both the front and the back but that did not work since it seemed like Lighting invented a few spells himself. A green shield formed to cover his back and all of Snape's spells seems to bounce off of the shield Harry was starting to get the upper hand on Bellatrix. Snape was behind Lighting trying pointlessly to break the shield. Bellatrix and Snape switched sides so Bellatrix was trying to break the shield and Snape was throwing spells at Lightning. Snape was the first one to fall. Harry hit him with a wandless nonverbal Stupefy.

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