Chapter 29

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"I can't believe Snape is the new defence teacher. I mean he is not as bad now but still." Dispute the fact that Snape knows Harry to be Lightning he still treated the teen as he usually would. When Harry had asked why Snape simply said it would look weird if last year Harry was Snape's least favourite and now he was worshiping the ground Harry walked on.

"True plus he didn't have to be the DADA teacher couldn't he just stay the poisons master and that Slughorn guy fill in the DADA spot?"

"I don't know but honestly no matter what Snape still annoys me and is a bastard." Harry then heard someone clear there thought behind him and his friends eyes were on the person. "Snaps is behind me isn't he."

"Yup" Ron relied. Harry slowly turned around.

"Professor. How lovely to see you, how are you? Any plans for later?" Snake just stared at Harry with an eyebrow raised. "Do me a favour and tell me how long you were listening to me."

"Detention Mr. Potter, and 10 points from Gryffindor."

"Alright. What time and which day?" Harry asked resined knowing there was no avoiding the detention.

"Tomorrow after dinner. Join the rest of your class before I give you another detention."

"Yes, sir."

Harry entered the classroom and listened while Snape spoke of the importance of nonverbal spells. Since Harry already knew all of the information so he ignored Snape as he thought about what Dumbledore would need to show him tonight. However his thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind him.

"Yes, professor?"

"Answer the question Mr. Potter."

Harry simply wanted to die of embarrassment as he asked, "What question, sir?"

"10 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention and another 5 for making me repeat myself. What is an advantage of nonverbal magic?"

"Your opponent will have a harder time identifying the spells you are using and therefor will be at a disadvantage." The fact that Snape lost to Harry for this exact reason.

Snake sneered at Harry then walked away and Ron started snickering which Snape promptly took 15 points for.

By the end of class Snape told everyone to write a 2 foot essay about the importance of nonverbal spells. Along with practicing some simple spells before the next class as the whole class would be dedicated to practicing.

The moment Snape was done talking half the class was out the door Harry in the lead. However they all heard Snape stating the essay was due next class which was in two days.

Harry then went to transfiguration where they were starting in human transfiguration.

The class part quickly enough with Harry and Ron making a point of struggling just to keep up appearances. As usual Hermione was the 'first' to master the spell and gained 20 points for Gryffindor.

The rest of the day passed in a blur as Harry and the others ate lunch and attended other classes. Alas, one cannot hold off the future forever and soon enough to matter how slow Harry walked and however many detours he took he eventually ended up in front of the griffin door.

"Skittles." Harry said rolling his eyes at the ridiculous password.

Harry then went up the winding staircase and knocked on the office door.

"Come in." He heard from inside the room and harry put on the most genuine smile he could before entering.

"Good evening, sir."

"Good evening, Harry." Since Harry didn't feel like correcting the old man again he just smiled back.

"What are we going to be doing today sir?"

"Well harry we are still going to be going into Tom Riddle's past come here." Harry obliged and went over to the pensive where Dumbledore was standing.

Dumbledore then pulled Harry into the pan I've with him. The two were transported to a room with two ladies speaking.

"The girl that came in here the other day do you remember her?"

"Which one a lot of the homeless come in here to have there children then leave them here."

"The one girl long dark hair, deformed eyes, named her child then died and hour later."

"Oh yeah I remember her. The kid Tom Marvolo Riddle's mother."

"Yeah so I heard that the kid has not cried or made any sound since he was born. Everyone thought the died during birth but he is actually living he opened his eyes a few days ago."

"Really and he still hasn't said anything?"

"No, anyway I have to go it's my turn to feed the child and I have to warm the formula."


Then the momentum shifted to one were there were a bunch of young children running around on a playground however three children were walking away quickly form the rest of the group.

"This way hurry up or else they will see us." a dark haired boy said and harry instantly recognised him as Tom Riddle. The two other children a boy and girl did not answer just walked after him obediently. Harry knew something was wrong with the children the looked to be around 5 while Tom looked around 8. No child at 5 would be that quiet and follow directions form another child so willingly and so harry came to the deduction that Tom was in some way controlling them.

Over here Tom said and the children entered a cave. The memory did not enclose what was in the cave but when the tree children came out Tom looked triumphant while the other looked severely shaken and scared.

The memory then shifted and bent and Harry left the pen I've as the memory ended.

"I tracked down those two children that Tom brought to the cave, however no matter how much I tried to got them to tell me what they saw they refused. According to the care takers they never said a word after that day. No one but then and Tom know what is  it that cave." Dumbledore spoke sadly when speaking of the children. It truly unfortunate that they had to go through whatever young Tom Riddle's even mind cooked up.

"Yes, did you have a clue of what could have been I. The cave, sir?"  Harry asked hopefully. He desperately wanted to know.

"I con only guess, it may forever be a mystery."

"Ok, sir."

"Anyway harry I believe it is time for you to go to bed I hear you have a detention tomorrow." Harry looked down in what he hopped looked like embarrassment.

"Yeah, Snape lives gibing me detention."

"Professor Snape, Harry. I understand you two have your differences however that is Jo reason to disrespect him."

"Yes sir."

"Have a good night, Harry." Dumbledore than did after a few seconds passed in silence.

"Good night, sir." When Harry returned to to common room he told his friends everything that happened. Then tried to do Snape's essay. However when he realised it was hopeless he put it away and desired to do it in the free period he had the next morning.

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