Chapter 24

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Dumbledore was mad. He was pacing around his office like a mad man. This could not be happening, why was the blasted Potter boy acting so independent? He is supposed to be terrified of Voldemort and practically begging him, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, for advice. 

Dumbledore let out an enraged scream and shoved all of the things off his desk so the delicate objects shattered on the floor, and the papers scattered. Even Fawkes trilling could not get him to calm down. 

"Shut up you dumb bird" Dumbledore yelled. Fawkes bit his finger showing his anger and flew off. "Stupid bird." Dumbledore muttered looking out after Fawkes.  

Dumbledore then sat down thinking about how he could get Harry to be more dependent on him, then an idea struck him. It would work. It had to. It must. For the greater good. 

Harry Potter would have to learn of the horcruxes a little early. 


Harry was having an good day. It was the weekend so there was nothing he had to do, all and all a good day. That was until he got a request from Dumbledore to join him in his office. 

But lets rewind a bit, <<<<<

Harry was sitting with his friends in the library, optionally giving Luna a kiss of five. 

Then a little first year aproched them, it said "I w-w-was suppose to give this to H-harry Potter." Harry too the paper the little first year and gave him a charming smile. 

"Thank you." Harry said. The first year just squeaked and ran off. One the first year was out of sight Harry's whole demeaner changed. "Pathetic."  He muttered before turning back to the piece of paper. He quickly scanned it and his expression morphed from irritation to fury.

"What is it, love?" Luna asked concern lacing her voice. 

"Dumbledore wants to tell me something very important and I must come to his office after dinner. Kill me now."

"It's alright, dear. You can talk to one of us when you are done." Harry offered Luna a tight lipped smile. 

"Thank you, baby. We had best be off to dinner now." He said addressing everyone. They all got up and made their way to the great hall. Dinner was quiet and subdued. Harry then got up when he was done and told his friends he was going to Dumbledore's office. 

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