Chapter 15

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"My turn" Lightning said "This is exciting"

"Hurry up I cannot take the suspense much longer." Rodolphus and  Rabastan said simultaneously. 


If they attack me do not come to my aid. 

Harry slowly brought his hand up to his mask and took it off slowly. Before everyone was Harry Potter, he looked different though he had long black hair with a strip of green in it. He was pale  than normal though and he looked as though he had not slept in days but tried to hide it. 

"It's me! Professor how do you think my grades in potions are looking this year? Bella I told you I do not think you would want me. Rodolphus and Rabastan pleasure to meet you again. Lucius please do not try to kill me and Ginny this time. And Mr. Dark Lord you know I have to meet you every year."

"Oh Harry how could you think such a thing of course I still want you, we are going to have sooo much fun. You will call me Aunt Bella and you are my favorite nephew, Draco is nice but too much like a girl always fussing about his hair and clothes." Harry smiled at his newfound aunt's speech. 

"I suppose your friends Potter are more faithful than we all originally thought." Snape said while  Rodolphus, Rabastan and Lucius nodded stupidly. 

"I am glad you noticed."

"Potter." Was all the dark lord said. 

"It is I."

"But you are the rallying point of the light. "

"I have my reasons, but I do not wish to speak about that. And it is the light side's fault that they put their faith is a teenager."

"I guess the important thing you were missing was the ride to Hogwarts and the important thing that you left for was probably the start of term feast."


"How did you fool the veritaserum? I made that batch myself." Snape interrupted curiously. 

"'Mione put the imperio on me while I hade the Veritaserum in my system, it gives you the same expression and hers are so strong it over rid the potion. It is even hard for me to through hers off, so i just let her take control of me. "

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