Chapter 19

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"Harry Potter the golden boy was meant to be a big bad Slytherin, we learn something new everyday." Tom said amused.

"Yes we do. So if it was not clear I basically told you how each of you were helpful." Harry paused a moment thinking. "Kind of. Ok Tommy opened my eyes in fourth year in the grave yard. Lucy helped me find the Chamber of Secrets." At this Tom shot a glare that promised only pain at Lucius. "Ahem, Bella has now taken me in as her nephew. My friend were with me when everyone thought I was a nutter for keeping up my golden boy act and telling everyone Tommy returned. The Lestrange twins killed Umbridge for me without knowing of course. And Sev saved my life quite a few times. I am tiered so I will not be listing them all, to tiered."

"Well we will certainly have to talk Potter." Voldemort said looking at the curious teen in front of him.

"Not now, I want to sleep." Harry whined.

"Fine potter go back to Hogwarts and sleep, then come back whenever you would like, please give me a warning if you are going to drop by. Otherwise you will probably be greeted by a rather unpleasant Curcio."

"I will take my chances, who can miss an opportunity to mess with the most powerful Dark Wizard in the World?" Harry asked innocently.

"A lot of people." Most of the people in the room muttered.

"Anyway, next time it should just be me, or maybe I will bring one person. No more I think... Any way as I was saying... Night Tommy, Night Lucy, good night Dark Twins (Lestrange Twins) Night Night Bella, Sev I will se you tomorrow but good night. I bid all of the farewell." Harry turned to his friends, "Come fair ladies and Kind gentlemen, we shall not intrude on these lovely people any longer." With that they all disappeared, soundlessly. The only thing that happened for the rest of the nigh were a few Gryffindors and a Ravenclaw appearing in their beds in sleep clothes. Already half asleep by the time they landed.

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