Chapter 21

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The day passed by quickly for Harry and his friends. They were sitting at the Gryffindor table talking quietly.

"So how do you plan to go public?" Hermione asked after putting up some very strong silencing charms.

"I am thinking we should introduce ourselves in Diagonally, I am sure someone will thing we are Death Eaters though and that would be very offensive. I am thinking of leaving a message for all of the Wizarding World to see. "





"will not-"

"tell us-"

"what the-"

"message is." The twins stated.

"Yup, you all will be just as surprised as everyone else." They all nodded and Hermione removed the silencing charm, and they went back to eating their dinner and making small talk.


"To bed all of you now," Hermione said as they had just finished their homework.

"Fine mum." Fred and George said sarcastically as they headed upstairs.

"Would you like me to tuck you in and give you a good night kiss too?" Hermione asked challengingly, no one doubted she would do it.

"No its alright, we were just about to head up any way."


When they were all in their bed Harry used the ear pieces to communicate with the group.

Everyone pull the hangings around your bed closed and put up silencing charm along with locking them, I am going to apperate into them, and apparate you to the Chamber of Secrets. Make sure you are already dressed to leave when I appear, I would not like to see any of you naked, girls I am coming to you last, boys you have five minuets.

About ten minuets later they were all in the Chamber of Secrets ready to go.

"Ok we are leaving like now are you all good?" They all nodded nervously, they were already known as the main suspects for a number of murders, and missing persons, but this was the first time they would actually be seen. "Alright, grab on we have a world to introduce ourselves to."

They all held onto Harry after making sure they were presentable with their masks and cloaks. When they appeared in Diagonally there were a of people and they looked confused seeing the group. Lightning saw a few people drawing their wands.

"Who are you?" One persons screamed at the group.

"Death Eaters" Another screeched, The group just laughed, it was cold and humorless. Everyone seemed to stop. There were spells flying at the group now and Wind shook her head and deflected the spell with a lazy flick of her wand. People started backing away at the obvious power that the group posseted.

"We are not death Eater" Lighting stated he was in the front, the obvious leader.

"Who are you then?" Someone in the crowd asked fearfully.

In response Thunder cackled, much like Bellatrix Lestrange, and Lighting smirked and said "Your worst Nightmare." Then spells were flying, from both storm and aurous. Everyone that attacked the group were ether dead or unconscious and the Order of Phoenix  were close, Harry could feel them. He pointed his wand upward and muttered a spell.

The message was bright.

We come in the night,

And leave you a fright,

We know you,

And now you know me,

We are Storm,

The light are not as bright,

The dark is free.

With the group disappeared as the Order of Phoenix appeared, the group after changing, went to bed, and all knew the next day would be very intreating.

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