Sleeping beauty (did i spell that wrong?)

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Your eyes shot open and looked around. You saw a woman that looked slightly like...
{What happened? Did I faint?} you remembered what happened.

{Who was that boy? God I have so many questions.} Your attention was snapped back to the woman in front of you. "Are you alright sweetie?" "Yes, thank you for um..." you pause, still confused on what had happened to you.

"I apologize for Camilo scaring you. He's a bit of a prankster sometimes." She sighed. {PRANKSTER?!? HE TURNED INTO A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON?!?} You took a deep breath still confused on what happened.

"Quick question..." you began. "Yes? What is it?" She gave you a curious look as you spoke. "Well I actually have a few 1. HOW IN THE WORLD DID MIRABEL TURN INTO 'CAMILO'?! 2. What's your name? And 3.Was I drugged?"

She stared surprised "Your parents didn't tell you about our powers?" You shake your head no. "Well we all have special abilities Camilo's is shape shifting so that's how 'Mirabel' turned into Camilo. My name is Julieta and I can heal any wound with food." She then began to tell you all the powers of everyone and explained why Mirabel didn't have magical powers.

{So that's why I couldn't find her door.}

You found out who was related to who thanks to Julieta's help so you went off to unpack again but was stopped by a red haired lady in a yellow dress she was holding the same boy who scared the sh!t outta you.

"Go on Camilo. Apologize for scaring her." She said with a frown. "I'm sorry for scaring you." He said with his arms crossed. "It's fine, but don't do that again."

You said sternly. He nodded and you walked to your room and began unpacking again. You heard the door open and saw 'Mirabel'. "Camilo I'm not falling for it again. Julieta told me about your power." You said bluntly turning back towards your bags.

"Im the real Mirabel this time." She giggled softly. You however didn't fully believe her, "Mhm suuure you are." You remember what Camilo said about your 'crush on his cousin.'

"Also I do NOT have a crush Mirabel. She's just really pretty, and compliments can fluster me." You felt a hand on your shoulder you turn and 'Mirabel' was hardly 5 inches away from your face, "You think I'm pretty?"

She said genuinely curious. Your heart dropped that was the real Mirabel. Your face flushed and only then you realized you 🕊ed up (srry my aunt goes through my phone so..🤷‍♀️) 

"Wait.. you are the real Mirabel!?" She nodded. {Oh my god I've screwed up big time.}  "O-oh well I knew t-that!" You said quickly trying to cover the obvious awkwardness. "It's ok if yo-" she was cut off by the sound of the door opening {WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE GOING IN MY ROOM?!?} You yelled in your mind.

Once you turn towards the doorway you saw a girl with a light brown hair in a bun, she wore a red and yellow dress, and had ears that went more outwards. {Dolores} you assumed in your mind "Sooo what's going on here?" I glanced at Mirabel to see she was already looking at you.

"Well either way it's time for dinner pájaros del amor." You weren't the best at Spanish but she said something about birds. Mirabel had a small blush her face, "We were just talking, not doing anything else."

She said with a defensive tone. "lo que sea chica amante!" She yelled as she walked out (if ya wanna know what she said just use google translate.) {I still have no idea what she said.} your thoughts were interrupted by Mirabel grabbing your hand and walking you to the dinner table which piled with delicious foods

{Was this all made by Julieta?} you wondered but out of the corner of your eye you saw Dolores whispering something to her brother Camilo. Which only resulted in them getting a hard glare from Mirabel. You realized that Dolores was talking about what happened earlier because Camilo turned into you and began making smoochy faces at Mirabel.

You also realized that Julieta might be catching on. "Guys stop your embarrassing Y/N!" Mirabel protested noticing your worried expression "¡Mírate defendiendo a tu amante!" Camilo gushed {I REALLY need a Spanish tutor..}

you may not have known what he said but that didn't mean his family didn't. Eyes were looking at you from across the table. {Oh no pleeease don't faint again!}

764 words

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