The truth about Y/n

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So um I'm back hi uhh so I came up with this big brain idea and I'm ending the book with this chapter. If enough of you guys want a second book I shall provide.

Y/n was shaky the entire time we explained what happened to my Abuela. She definitely was furious, of course, but still very concerned for all of us.

Julieta screams were echoing the Casita when she saw Isa. It took awhile before she said anything. Finally she got up and grabbed some food tossing it over to Dolores. Who gave it to Isabela.

We watched in awe as the skin healed and covered the stub on her leg. The leg didn't grow back. Y/n's once hopeful face was washed into pure horror.

(What have I done.) Isabela saw my face and grabbed my arm firmly, "Y/n it's okay. My mom's magic does work on missing body parts it just takes a year to grow back." She gave me soft smile.

I turned to Julieta and she nodded slowly.
(Truly reassuring.. however I must address Luke's death.) a sinking thought flashed into my mind. I had been avoiding the truth for months but with Luke dead...

It was only going to be a matter of time before they would hunt me down for treason, and murder of a coworker.

Y/n pulled away their arm and gave Isa and Julieta a weak smile. When I reached for them they flinched, I looked down at my feet sadly.

But I quickly felt arms cling me into a hug. Y/n began to sob as I laid my head on their shoulder. I hit me on how tired I really was. The fight with Luke helping Mariano and Dolores carry Isabela.

I tried to think of something positive to tell Y/n and from the corner of my mind I remembered something, "Hey.. don't cry I'm sure your parents would want you to take it easy on yourself."

However I don't think it helped as they continued to sobbing louder to the point the were gasping for air. "T-That's the t-thing *sniff* I... I have t-to tell you all the truth about myself and Luke."

(The truth? About what? Why would it have to do anything about Luke?) Dolores and Mariano went off to get the rest of the family.

When they returned and finally calmed down Abuela. Y/n inhaled deeply and began to speak, "Alma I sincerely apologize about what happened to Isabela. I shouldn't have agreed to let her guard Luke. Speaking of him I also apologize to you as well, Mariano, but now I need to come clean or it's possible no madrigals will survive."

Everyone gasped and gave Me a horrified dreadful expression. All Alma did was give me a stern expression clearly telling me to continue. "Luke was a assassin in training when we met-" "A WHAT?!" Everybody bellowed at the same time.

"You heard me right. An assassin. Ever since he first started it was his goal to get my promoted job on the field." I paused to let the Madrigals process what I just told them.

Luisa spoke up first, "Wait so that means... your also an assassin." Everybody went wide eyed, Pepa and Felix took a few steps back and made a defensive stance in front of Camilo and Antonio.

I nodded glancing at Mirabel who looked like if she held in all her questions she would burst. "I know how that sounds and your probably wondering who I came to kill." I stared at Mirabel, and watched as her curiosity slowly turned into betrayal.

"Wait! Then who has been sending you those letters?" Camilo piping up from behind his father. "My mother and father died long ago, and the business I work for sent me offers in invisible ink that if I just got the job done they'd forget about the unnecessary amount of time it took."

"I stopped considering the offers 2 months ago. Since then I've been given a lot of warnings and my latest letter told me I'd be executed for treason." Everybody's head snapped towards the entrance that got knocked down.

Two people covered in dark flexible clothes took out their daggers aiming for a perfect shot at my frontal lobe.


Heyyy everyone I'm so glad that you joined me on my journey of writing my first ever fanfic I had a lot of fun writing this but unfortunately everything must come to an end. But that doesn't mean it ends forever.
Maybe one day I'll revisit my nice little cliff hanger and have a sequel until then I guess we'll never know.😁


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