Y/n the Earth bender

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We immediately hopped out of bed and ran out towards Isabela's room. {Luke!} I knew something would happen with him in there with her!

We opened the door but both Isabela and Luke were missing. "Great now a mass murderer is on the loose!" Y/n flailed their arms in the air.

"What am I going to tell mom?!" {What am I going to tell her?} I walked trying to see if maybe she was playing some prank on us or only screamed because she was having a bad hair day.

No sign of her anywhere, "Uhhh Mira..." I walked over to where Y/n was. Only to find crimson blood stained on the flowers beside vines that were sliced apart.

"We never took away Luke's knife," Y/n said in a shaky voice. Tears began to stream down their face.

I wrapped my arm over their waist and pull them to me, "shh.. Don't cry it's not your fault."
Y/n looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "I meant what I said."

They wiped off their tears and began to look and see if there was anything else that might lead to where Isa and Luke had vanished.

And to our surprise we found small trickle of blood outside the door that led to the nearest window.

When we went down stairs where the rest of my family was but something wasn't right. Nobody seemed concerned about the screaming. Well except Dolores.

{DOLORES!} I quickly rushed over to her, "Dolores! Did you hear Isa?" She looked at me with a surprised expression, "Thank goodness you heard it! Everyone else seems to not remember a thing!"

"Do you think it's more magic?" Dolores tilted her head and gave and Y/n a dreadful look.
"I'm not sure but I do know if you don't meet up with Luke by the northern mountains... Isabela will die."

Mirabel guided the two of us towards the edges of the Encanto I tripped over several vines and roots so I was already covered in mud.

Eventually we arrived the forest ended and there looming over a sleeping Isabela was Luke who was scowling at the sleeping girl.

His blood shot eyes flickered towards us he tipped his head up and gave me a condescending smile.

"Yyyy/nnn!~ oh how I wish you'd just cut it off with miss puppy piss and rainbows and stay with me!" He glared at Mirabel.

"Well luckily for me I have a proposition! Get with me and Isabela will live..." He grabbed Isabela by her neck and put the knife under her chin.

{What am I going to do?!} Mirabel glanced at me with dreading expression, I had a feeling she knew what I was about to do.

As I walked towards Luke she grabbed my wrist she whispered, "please... don't do it." I shook my head, "I have to. It's my fault this is happening with Luke."

I pulled away from her walking towards my absolute demise.

I watched as they approached the mentally unstable Luke. Luke shoved Isabela away from himself she was bleeding from her hip.

I knew I couldn't just let Y/n force themselves to stay with a crazy person I needed to save them, but how?

Y/n stepped in front of Luke, "I'm so glad you decided to pick the obvious correct option! However I have a feeling you are going to leave me again for her."

Y/n tensed, "No, I won't I promise I'll stay with you no matter what!" Luke sighed, "Don't worry amor I will make sure of your loyalty. For now I have to take care of certain someone."

Luke swiftly crouched down and stabbed Y/n's leg twice. He ran towards me. {Again?!} I positioned myself ready to fight to the death with this spoiled rat. (Sorry bruno)

At the last second Y/n had tripped Luke and was struggling to stand up. I rushed over to them. Well at least I tried to before I got stabbed in the ankle.

Luke stabbed Mirabel on the ankle, "Mira!" I finally stumbled my way to stand but it wasn't long before Luke got up and smashed me into the mountain side.

Small rocks trickled down onto the two of us. I let out an agonized yell. My leg felt like it was being eaten alive by bullet ants. And my head felt like someone had poured gasoline on it and set it on fire.

"If I can't have you nobody can," Luke said in a shaky breath I felt a knife stab into my stomach. I let out a shriek so loud I'd probably have to apologize to Dolores, that is if I even make it out alive.

Tears streamed down my face. Instinctively I shoved him away I got the upper hand for a moment and shoved him against the mountain wall and ran.

I fell of course but when I looked back Luke was staring at me but once I looked up I saw something rolling down the mountain.

The next I knew I heard a loud CRAAAACK! And the lard boulder was sitting there a splash of blood surrounding it, "Oh my god. I just killed someone..."

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