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Alexis's POV
Our first life wasn't the best. My best friend Jamie and I met in the foster care system. My parents had died in a car crash, and with no other living relatives 4 year old me got thrown away into the foster system and forgotten about. They same thing happened to Jamie, except her parents were addicted to alcohol and crack and abused her. Her father killed James's mother, shot Jamie, then killed himself. Jamie barely survived then got thrown into the system as well.

We found each other and became best friends. We did everything together, and we protected each other. It eventually got to the point where we called each other sister. We refused to leave the other's side. Maybe it was the trauma or the grief from our pasts that led us to our deep bond but neither of us cared. When we were together we were home.

Our caseworkers eventually gave up and made us a packaged deal. We traveled from foster home and foster parents, to foster home and foster parents. We went all over the country East to West, and North to South. We've seen all sorts of couples, and were exposed to all sorts of different beliefs that we learned to just accept people as they were.

We had good foster homes that we sometimes miss, and bad foster homes that still gives us nightmares to this day. One thing that we used to escape reality aside from burying ourselves in school work was to read books. We mostly enjoyed fantasy novels, but always went for a good love story as well.

One that we always heatedly talked about was twilight. We both agreed that Bella and Edward sucked! Their whole love story was just so toxic and creepy! And Jacob imprinting on Renesmee? Awkward and weird. Also, who names their kid Renesmee?! We both agreed that Emmett and Rosalie were end game. We also wished that Rosalie and Emmett were our parents.

A gentle goofy giant dad with a protective loving beautiful mother? Paradise.

We were on our way to our next foster home when everything went down. We were in Michigan, so maybe there was ice on the road? Maybe the other driver was intoxicated? We're not sure what happened, but next thing we know we're rolling off a cliff.

It was both scary and painful. Our lives flashed before our eyes, we had no idea if things were going in slow motion or at super sonic speed, but it didn't matter. The last thing I remember was looking at Jamie and seeing her turn to me with a terrified, but accepting face. She was prepared to die, and honestly so was I.

I reached out for her and she did the same. We grasped each other's hands and felt one final sharp pain before darkness clouded our vision and our bodies went numb.

The one thing that never changed was the warm feeling of each other's hands.

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