Bella wakes up

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3rd POV
It's been three days since the babies were born and now Renesmee looked to be a year old while the twins looked to be three days old. Everyone began to refer to them as the Hale-McCarty twins much to Rosalie and Emmett's pride and joy, and the twins pleasure. Except for Edward who was still in denial about the 'imprinting' situation between the twins and his adoptive siblings.

Edward spent the past 48 hours by his wife's side, refusing to leave or acknowledge anyone else. When Renesmee would whine for her father Alice or Jacob would bring her to him and leave the two alone. Edward spent that entire time plotting a way to get his and Bella's other daughters back. It didn't matter what Carlisle or the papers said. He put them in Bella, and Bella gave birth to them.

They belonged to Bella and Edward. Bella fought for them, and loved them so much that she sacrificed her life for their survival. Bella gave them beautiful and unique names, that Rosalie and Emmett ruined when they brainwashed them against him and Bella.

It suddenly hit Edward when Alice came into Carlisle's office to get Renesmee and informed him that Bella would be waking up soon. It was so obvious!


Bella was their mother! Renesmee accepted that, so why not Emmalie and Rosalice? If Bella had been awake sooner than none of this confusion would've happened! Edward smirked victoriously. Yes, it was all so clear now. All he had to do was inform Bella of the situation while he took her hunting then show her their children and BOOM! They'd forget all about Rosalie, and remember their real mother and father!

Edward glanced at Bella who's eyes were fluttering as they tried to open. False hope swelled in Edward's chest. Bella would bring their daughters back. She was too stubborn to give up so easily. Edward could be quite persuasive and manipulative as well.

Bella's eyes suddenly opened and she looked around the room with deep blood red eyes. Confusion and curiosity filled her eyes as she slowly sat up and looked around before her eyes landed on Edward.

Bella suddenly leaped up from the table, and zipped over to a nearby corner, and crouched down defensively as she let out an inhuman hiss. Edward raised his hands as if to say 'I mean no harm' as he slowly approached her. He started speaking to her as if she was no more than a fussy toddler.

"Bella, love," he cooed sweetly "it's alright, it's just me" Bela instantly relaxed as she heard the familiar voice of her husband. She stood straight up before lunging at him and embracing him into her arms and squeezing his tightly. Edward let out a startled gasp and wheezed out "Bella! You're a lot stronger than me right now!"

Bella immediately released him and pulled away mouthing a small 'oops' making Edward chuckle in amusement. "It's fine, love, you just need to be more careful with me for a while" he then offered his hand to her. Bella hesitatingly and carefully took it.

Edward proceeded to guide her over to a nearby mirror. Bella looked at her reflection in amazement. As much as she denied it, she always knew that she was beautiful hence why her mother chose a name that literally translated to 'beautiful' in world's third most romantic languages (French and Spanish being the other two).

Becoming a vampire only enhanced her beauty like she knew it would. Her skin was paler and looked slightly smoother than before, and her hair was no longer a stringy, frizzy, mouse brown mess, but now was beautiful waves of chocolate brown. Her eyes were a beautiful, but creepy red color that would soon be fixed to match the liquid gold of her family.

Alice had clearly been left alone with her at some point during her transformation. As she had been changed out of one of Edward's grey t-shirts, and a pair of leggings into a beautiful royal blue tight formal dress that accentuated her eyes.

Alice had also applied makeup to her face as well. A little bit of a baby pink blush for color on her cheeks and nose, black mascara and eye liner, and some glittery gold eye shadow that would've looked better if she still had her dark brown almost black eyes.

She turned around to face her husband who jokingly said "It's your turn not to break me" Bella smirked and pulled him closer. The couple then proceeded to kiss each other passionately.

When they pulled apart Bella asked "Renesmee?" As she was unconscious when Eira and Seren had been discovered. Edward tensed before saying with a proud smile "She's incredible" Bella became excited "Where is she? I have to see her!" And made a move for the door, but Edward stopped her.

"Wait, wait-" he said as he chuckled at his wife's eagerness "You'll need to get your thirst under control first" Bella suddenly gasped as if just realizing the burning sensation in the back of her throat. Bella started to rub her jugular as if that would somehow ease the discomfort. "Yeah, you'll need to hunt" Edward said stating the obvious.

Edward and Bella then leaped out the balcony door. They race through the forest until they found suitable prey. Granted Bella did almost kill a hiker, but somehow managed to resist his blood. It was only further proof in her mind that she was simply born to be a vampire. After feeding off a mountain lion and a few deer, Bella eagerly asked her husband "Now can I see her?"

Edward decided now was the time to tell her about Emmalie and Rosalice "Bella...there's something that you should know about..."

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